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Category: SpaceHey

Dug up my old spacehey account

I must've made this account my senior year of highschool. I just had a sudden urge to come back and fix it up. I figure this is a great place to dump all my interests and silly thoughts.

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dappo dimebear

dappo dimebear's profile picture

to the last commenter: "cunt" is a bit much don't you think? cool off buddy

for what it's worth i love your name and you've got some really neat interests, it would be great if you expressed said interests and silly thoughts. warm welcomes back

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thanks, I hadn't noticed aforementioned other comic. I think it was just someone trying to start an argument though. Best to ignore them and not give them the satisfaction.

by Lavenderboy; ; Report

most likely but you have to say something sometimes.

by dappo dimebear; ; Report