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Category: Life

I'm feeling right YES! YES!

Alright so not even a full week of doing a 2400mg NAC/day cycle but I'm feeling way better like

  • less asthma
  • lower bodyfat
  • strength gain regardless of fat loss
  • higher energy levels

and even some cognitive benefits. I'm way better at crossing the street on my 30 minute walk to and from school, don't even need to push the crossing button and wait. Otherwise homework is now easy af, finished a math assignment in 10 minutes since we were given 20 mins by the teacher, while no one else had the energy to do so. Last thing I really like about NAC is that my social anxiety is down, my heart rate doesn't spike to 150-180 at the thought/anticipation of an uncomfortable situation anymore. Met a cool girl in my art class who really related with me :D

So YEAH this supplement is S tier in my opinion (I take up to 15 everyday), would recommend!!! U can look more online for benefits of NAC.

Life is going good this senior year of high school!

btw this is my current theme song

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