First off, I graduated high school. With honors. Secondly, I am in college and I feel so happy. Everything is really expensive and the food is good most days. I think with the tuition cost, food should be free. IDK but if I ruled the world college would be free and so would food. IDK but my lowest grade is 73 and my highest in a 95. something but like my class that's 73 only has two grade and its attendance 100 and 2/5 test or 3/5 points or something. So I have time to make my grade higher to my liking. I have an art project about like pleasure or death or something idk honestly. I am majoring in Human Services cuz I wanna help people actually and not just be a dumbass therapist with no clue how real mental illness works. I am gonna not be a dumbass too like my aunt cat cuz like she's so judgmental and call people whores like on tv, but like she's ALLEGEDLY licensed as a psychologist. And various worse things like personally treating me with things mental health related but that's not the point. IM not gonna be a dumb as white woman that thinks she's knows everything about mental illness and especially how it presents in minorities. And  I don't mean a normal woman who is white I mean like ignorant white women SO DONT ATTACK ME. I SAY THIS BECAUSE I AM NOT WHITE AND HAVE BEEN PERSONALLY VICITMIZED BY WHITE WOMEN THERAPISTS CONSTANTLY. 

anyway. college is nice and I made a lot of friends. We're supposed to be going out and going to a party???????? but idk. I'm happy and things are going well for me. I got all my work done for this week and it's only Wednesday and everything work wise is done. I hope I can have fun with my friends but I'm scared because I don't like men. IF ONE MALE LOOKS AT ME I MIGHT SCREAM. but no idk I mean like the pervy ones or the frat boys that ONLY have sex and they're crusty ass boys that are a poor excuse for a man. ANYWAY it's fine so far. I think that Im gonna be a great therapist. I plan on getting my master's degree in Human Services so I can practice therapy privately. 

Anyway college. I hope I survive. I think actually I will dominate the WHOLE college. EVERYBODY WILL CHEER FOR ME. I AM GOD. jk but like no ill be fine.

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