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Category: Life

19 | back 2 school week

started school this week again and its been soo busy holy shit. when i'm not at school, i'm either doing chores, studying or maintaining the connections I have with other people. it makes me a little worried because I haven't really had time for myself as a consequence. the moment im done everything im so tired and its so late i fall asleep!! i dont really know how to adequately manage my time yet to address all my responsibilities as of yet. right now the goal is to just try to get ahead as much as I can

being back in school makes me sad since it kind of just reminds me of how much I dislike it. i am extra sad because i don't share any classes with friends ): (my one class LOLL). it sucks though because i think friends are what make school bearable

however, i did go thrifting with one of them before school started so at least i got to spend some time with them still.

i also hung out with another friend who was gone throughout the summer to watch a movie. what was kind of weird was that we walked out of the theatre we saw a couple going at it in the parking lot like,, have some decency!!! do it in your car at least !!!

and finally, yesterday I helped my tita work through financial aid in college enrollment. it felt weird to play financial advisor, but enrolling for college is hard, and I remember how hard it was for me too. Though i think the most interesting thing that happened to me yesterday was when i found a runaway dog while biking with my cousins. we managed to find the owner too!

also biking yesterday was like,, the first time i exercised in months LMAOO. so i got tired pretty fast. I would like to try and workout more, but thats a later goal.

overall, even though i have a lot of shit to do i think i can do it for once. which makes me happy.

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