I'm so tired.
The bed was unmade, the covers thrown off of the bed, the books that were laying on your bookshelves open and misplaced. The room was dimly lit, mirroring your current emotions perfectly. You were *so* tired.
The pounding in your head getting louder and louder, and it *hurt*. That itself was an understatement, it felt as if your head was getting bashed, over and over, then reassembling itself just to get smashed into little bloody bits again.
You couldn't take it, it just hurt so bad and you just wished it would stop, wished you could go back to sleep, get some rest, but you couldn't. Everytime you closed your eyes and tried to sleep, falling into the sweet, sweet embrace of unconsciousness, only to be swept out of that embrace to wake up, body aching, and your head swirling uncontrollably.
The pain wasn't unusual, as it was normal for you to have a constant stomachache, or a killer headache at times. But something was off this time, this time you were *so* tired, so helpless and it kinda felt stupid, like it was being repeated endlessly, like a broken record. The sunlight got brighter, and the birds started chirping louder.
Gritting your teeth, you reached for a fallen pillow and covered your ears to try to muffle the noise, as you couldn't take any sound at the current moment.
Tired. Tired. Tired, tired, tired, tired, tired, tired- So tired.
The pain, the cycle, it hurt and just thinking was a sufferable task. All of this was beautifully concocted to make everything seem horrible and you wish that it could all stop, just stop for a second, make it stop so you could catch a breath, for a second, even a minute, but it just didn't.
So repetitive, and you just-
....Knock, knock....
A gentle knock disturbed your painful thoughts, for a moment. Glancing over to your dorm's front door, you sighed in slight annoyance, before gripping the bed's frame and began pulling yourself up and off the floor.
...Knock, knock.
"Hello ...? Anybody there, anyone at all?"
A sense of urgency flooded through your veins, waking you up from the daze you were in. Deciding to answer the unknown person at you door, you cleared your throat before speaking, your voice raspy and quiet.
"Yeah, yeah I'm here, I'm coming."
You reached out to grasp the worn handle, now a murky gold due to years of use, a big contrast from the shining amber it used to be. The door creaks open to reveal one of your closest and dearest friends, Hajime Hinata.
Your eyes dart across the empty hallway before settling onto your main target. Hajime waved nervously, his hair messier than usual, and his shirt rumpled up. Raising an eyebrow at his peculiar appearance, even though that was very hypocritical with you only wearing a long t-shirt and striped leggings, your hair looking very similar to a bird's nest.
The tension was so thick, so heavy, you almost couldn't breathe, begging, hoping for Hajime to speaks, get this over with so you could go back to sulking silently, wrapped in your bedsheets.
You raised an eyebrow, unamused by Hajime. Didn't he know you were tired? You felt like you were on the verge of becoming deceased, and you'd happily die in Hajime's ar-...
What was that?
What were these... thoughts coming from?
You shuddered suddenly, shivers racking your body, and before you could even realize it, Hajime grabbed your arm, pushing you closer towards him.
"Hikari! You were about to fall, are you okay?"
His eyes darted towards your face, pupils enlarged and filled with worry and concern. Your heart fluttered for a second, briefly wishing you could keep holding him like this, and just take a nap on his freakishly large chest.
Now, you knew best not to think about his chest, that would just end up badly for you.
You'd rather not remember the awful, perverted thoughts you'd think about when you were all alone in your room, casually scrolling through social media, finding yourself on Hajime's profile, looking at his Instagram page, eyeing his pretty figure.
(wip forever probably)
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