where i've been / what've been up to

So, of course, I can't keep promises, I've been up to lots since school started again and I am usually busy and don't have time to come on here.

UNLIKE last time, I WILL try my best to get on here and be more active.

And now, what've been up to.

I've been up to lots and such, as with school, but the one thing that has also kept me busy after work is my pizza tower mod.

Yep! I'm makin' a mod! I've been busy having fun with it and losing track of time while doing it, because I've kept you guys waiting so long, here's a little something!

He may or may not appear, not sure, but he's coming as a palette! the sprite technically isn't mine, since I got a frame of a mod's server and decided to animate it for fun, still a work in progress!

Yes, I do art, how surprising.

That's pretty much it! I am usually busy making my mod or school, but I WILL try being more active!

Thanks if you read this far!

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Menheraboi's profile picture

I do not know what a Pizza Tower is but I wish the development of your mod a swift experience.

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Pizza Tower is a pretty cool game, it's been worked on for 5 years! (yes really!!) if you want to know more, you should probably search it up!

by joekekw; ; Report

I'll certainly look into it! Game development is always a tough ordeal, a good friend of mine has been working on his own game for 8 years!

by Menheraboi; ; Report

That's awesome! hope their development is going well, that's a long time!

by joekekw; ; Report