man i sure love Weird Philosophical Questions i have while doing dumb everyday activities.... anyways, today while i was showering, i realised that i've always been focused on the future due to my anxiety of what could possibly happen. but then it occured to me; at what time are we really living in right now? a second is always passing, every time we blink, everytime we do anything. we're living in the future of those events, but at the same time, we're constructing what will happen in the future, thus being in the past. the mid-term, would of course, be the present, but is there really such a thing as it? how do we really live the present if a milisecond's passing by every action we do?
i love reflecting on funky things like this - i hope i made sense, or that ya can at least get what i mean, lol B)
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Presentism in a sense, the present is the only point in which "reality" is "real"
The past and future are non-existent as we always see the second itself pass.
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if that's the case, then would our memories also be something in the present?
by s4bt00nz_inactive; ; Report