Hailey Mule's profile picture

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Category: Blogging


I'm attempting to write this introduction, hopefully so that someday when this project is over i can look back at these entries and smile about the process and what it took for me to get here; I'm writing these entries for myself, and so that maybe someday Nardwuar will see these and ask me about them on an interview (wishful thinking)

my name is Hailey, and I'm currently 23, ive been recording an album called Please! Let Him Dance! I've been making music since I was 15, and It's been the most important thing in my life since (2nd to my mom). I've recorded some songs and even had a crappy attempt at an album when I was 18, but I rushed it and didn't really take the time to think about what I was trying to say, I just threw it out there expecting something grand to happen, but it did teach me some lessons. I recorded the entire album in just over a week, probably 9 days, which for someone like me is basically suicide, because MOST times when I make music, it takes me weeks and sometimes months to fully ruminate on whether or not the idea is worth it or not, does this song have strong enough legs to continue pursuing it? does this song speak to me on a deep level? is this song just meant to be dumb fun? is this snare too loud or does it just suck?

After making that album at 18 (Eclectic Heart) I took a step back; the way I felt about the release of the project made me reconsider if making music was the thing i knew i wanted, I had so much I wanted to say but had no idea how id say it, or if anyone would actually care about it. but that doesnt matter, because if what you have to say feels important for you, then you should say it in the way you want.

Please! Let Him Dance! is about death and my relationship with it. not a new concept, but its been a big part of this year for me. theres a lot to unpack, and thats for another entry.


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