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Category: Writing and Poetry

Pink Maggit

Okay so Im writing about my interpretation of the song "Pink Maggit" ໒(⊙ᴗ⊙)७✎▤ i think theres so many layers to this song hidden within the lyrics. Chino Moreno's deliberate vagueness allows for so much personal interpretation. But anyway here are the lyrics(´ε` )♡:

I'll stick you

Then I'll

I'll take your oxygen away

I'll set you on fire

'Cause I'm on fire

And always you alone

So into

This whore

I'm free

And they lose her

So forget about me

'Cause I'll stick you

Push back the square

Now that you need her, in the throat

Well, there you go

'Cause back in school

We are the leaders of all


Or stop your lies

It's what you do

Push back the square

Now that you need her, but you don't

So, there you go

'Cause back in school

We are the leaders of all

So transpose

Or stop your lies

It's what you do


Or stop your lies

Push back the square

Now that you need her, in the throat

Now there you go

'Cause back in school

We are the leaders of it all

All you are

All you are

All you are

All you are

Is meat

To me the lyrics show a complex emotional journey; the narrator's feelings for a girl evolve from a surface level "I'm so into this whore" to something deeper and much more profound but his fear of commitment leads him to attempt rationalising and twisting his emotions suggesting she's just an object to him "all you are is meat".

The line "forget about me, 'cause I'll just stick you" shows self-sabotage to avoid getting hurt, as if he anticipates harming the relationship because of his own uncertainties. The internal struggle is highlighted in the repeated phrase "Transpose or stop your lies," representing the push-pull between genuine emotions and self-doubt.(´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡

My interpretation of "Push back the square, Now that you need her, In the throat" It seems like a moment of introspection, as he takes a step back to assess the relationship. The desire for intimacy ("In the throat") is intertwined with the realisation that he has hurt her "[k]need her in the throat", metaphorically pushing her away. This lyric captures the tension between wanting closeness and grappling with the past.

I think the song is about a pattern of self-sabotage in relationships. Theres an intricate narrative outlined in the lyrics showing the complexities of human emotions, reflecting on both fear of commitment and the repercussions of the past. ¯\_(° ͜ʖ °)_/¯

Thats it, bye(づ ◕‿◕ )づ

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