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Category: Writing and Poetry

Little short ! Bus ride back home

one shot, might continue

no beta we die like men (no beta reader)


Kids were piling into the bus after the first day of high school. It'd already somehow managed to be tiring, despite being only the start of the year. Nathan already knew this will be a long one, and the 16 year old already couldn't wait until the next school break. 

He was one of the first to get on the bus, immediately making his way to the bus seat he'd been sitting in ever since he enrolled here. It was next to window, nearing the end but not quite. No one bothered him there, it was perfect. More than often, he had gotten the chance to be able to sit on his own too. So out of habit, when he sat down, he placed his backpack on the seat next to him. 

The school he went to didn't have that many people attending it, there was another (more popular) school in the city they were in. But, it had recently closed due to health concerns. Something to do with a bug infestation. So, a lot of new students have now started attending the same high school Nathan does!

He hated it. It went from being this calm school, where you basically know everyone, to the most loud and crowded place on earth.  There were so many new people here, that despite them being the new ones, Nathan felt out of place being surrounded by them. He hated it, he seemed annoyed by everyone there. He already missed how tranquill it was, especially in class. Now it was chaos, every new kid that had joined his class felt like they showed up from a different part of the world. 

And now, as he sat on the bus, he could not wait to get home. He had pulled out headphones from his backpack and had put them on, opening spotify and putting on whatever playlist he saw first. Nathan had been listening to music on his headphones this whole day whenever he could, all to tune out how loud it was.

Once everyone was done piling into the bus, almost all seats had been taken but one. A guy with curly brown hair had been left standing up looking for a free spot to sit down. And, he did spot one, just that it was covered by a bag. He felt awkward having to walk up to the blonde sitting there and tapping on his shoulder, since he had his eyes closed with his headphones in.

Nathan's eyes instantly shot open when he felt the touch. For a second, he thought someone from behind his seat was taunting him. Once he looked to his side, Nathan saw the guy standing there, waiting nervously.

He got the cue. He took his backpack and placed it on his lap, letting the brunette sit down.

He sat up in his seat so he could look over the seats in front of and behind him, to see if there really wasn't any seats left. And, the bus was full. Leaning back into his seat, he sighed. He felt a little bad for having left the bag there, should've expected a full bus with the amount of new kids there was.

The bus soon started to move and everyone on the bus were headed home. Nathan was still sat listening to music, just now looking out a window and zoning out the the song he was listening to. He was kind of hoping that the guy sitting next to him would get off soon, he didn't really want to stay sitting here with someone he doesn't know for the next 30 minutes.

Though, luckily enough, the bus was coming a halt after about ten minutes. The blonde was checking his stuff to make sure he didn't forget anything before getting off the bus.

As it was stopping, the brunette tapped on Nathan's shoulder again. Nathan looked over, slightly annoyed at what the other could possibly want before getting off.  

It took him by surprise a little when he got given a piece of paper, but he took it. And once he did, the brunette stood up from his seat once the bus had stopped moving and got off at his stop. 

As soon as the bus started to move again, Nathan placed his bag back in its spot and examined the thing in his hands.

The piece of paper was folded, he was curious to see what it said. He turned it over to see if there was anything written on the back, and once he was there was nothing, he opened up the note. 

''I think you look cool'', it said, with a little smiling emoji giving a thumbs up.


feedback is greatly appriciated thank you :3

2 Kudos


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HELP yes sure!!!

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