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Category: SpaceHey

The anti-neo and anti-xeno shit on spacehey

The sheer amount of people who hate me and others who use xenogenders and neopronouns on this website is beyond stupid, get your act together and let people live like damn!!😭 most of you are fully grown adults learn some damn manners

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gideon ☆

gideon ☆'s profile picture

plus neopronouns and the concept of gender being more than just a binary are things that have existed far beyond half of the people on this site have been alive. i have plenty of acedemoc resources showing that neopronouns alone have existed since the 1200s. they're acting like identifying as something outside of social norms is what's taking sway equality, but they turn a blind eye to trans people actively being hunted down and our rights being stripped from us by people who have no idea what neopornoun is. rather than turning their anger towards the people actively wanting us dead, they're inflating infighting, and turning what was once a community into nothing but chaos and hate. no matter how queer you are, you are hated. by everyone. it does a lot more good to love one another despite our differences, and work together as a team to show the world we deserve to live.

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Dym if I pin this?? :3

by nyzsimple; ; Report

not at all

by gideon ☆; ; Report