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Category: Religion and Philosophy

The Parturiency of the Puppy: Rebellion Against the Cathedral of the Reptile Minds

The puppy in all her fertile glory rejects the establishment narrative, the rejection of mind-altering, gender-altering, alterations of her very femininity goblet of death hormonal birth control. She does not drink from the goblet of the embittered feminists, anti-natalists, and the reptile-minded reductionist materialists' narrative of soul poison. Liberated from conditioning, a natural woman of natural instincts, intuition, subliminal thoughts. Liberated and natural, she presents for her master red with need and lust readying herself for creation, all her trust is in his hands as she has broken though, she has lowered her own ego to allow the creation of the sacred, of the continuation of her master's line within her womb, she has rejected the blue-haired freaks, the bioleninist abomination who preach for her to leave her eggs to all but dry up, for the very being of a woman's soul turn to dust, a false liberation preached to make her suffer as them, to bring her the suffering of their soul tortured by demons of an endless HPV filled meat buffet provided by the global pimps' tinder, bumble, badoo, the rapers of women's decency who have psyoped them to be lesser than a whore, unpaid and unfulfilled, with every serving of the HPV meat delight left with less and less of their soul in their body for the soul cannot stay contained while filth defiles its abode. Puppydom allows her true liberation, the true metaphysical miracle of the creation of life, to follow her instincts, her nature, to be a mommy and love her offspring and her master's legacy unconditionally. When she presents to her master in full trust, full commitment, bounded in soul in a natural state, without the hormonal goblet of death in her blood stream and him without a shopping bag wrapped around his member it is an act of purity, an act of rebellion against the cathedral, a rejection of the unnatural, a rejection of the modern sickness. This is why they call it dangerous, reckless, this is what they fear, they fear puppydom, they fear nature, they fear replacement levels, they fear anyone maintaining their soul. When was a revolution without danger? So puppy present strong and proud, push the tools of creation against your master's member, surrender the most sacred to him at that moment and rebel, rebel against the cathedral of anti-life, the vile sickness of modernity, for by forty there will be nothing but regrets left inside.

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