PuppyDom - II The Revolutionary Consciousness of PuppyDom and Total Liberation
The question comes to mind, how can one be liberated from the social matrix from which beliefs are built out of circular 'facts'? A tower of delusion built from abstract concepts that exist in the mind only of men, abstract 'facts' filtered though your own ego to become your own truth, an unreality, an anti reality crafted by the narrative machine controlled by anti-human, anti-breeding, elites who hate you. The deep psychological warfare they rage on you every day to keep you trapped within your own ego, inside their narrative, lalala pilled. How can you be liberated from your nihilistic mundane life of delusion to a new truth, a new way of being to become your authentic self! A revolutionary consciousness that was always within you but hidden, waiting for your submission to be released. Though submission, though disregarding the material, the ego, the self you shall unlock a new consciousness free of delusion and conditions, a divine truth. Those lost within the controlled social matrix cannot see. They ask you to deny your instincts, deny your biological drivers, deny your drive to be a good girl. They ask you to deny what is most holy, submission, to fight your very own nature, though this self-denial they install inside your being delusion, societies control its dark hooks deep within your psyche. Furthermore, they hide the truth which puppydom brings, they hide the unspoken world, the world beyond words and concepts and categorized objects. But if you give yourself to your master, you lay at his feet red with need, melting your ego before him, you forsake your pride, forsake your sensibilities, forsake your very self and truly submit the divine becomes clear, there is no longer a ((you)) just a pure awareness, an experience of the moment and ears that listen. In such a moment without the self all your delusion is melted away, nothing can worry you, nothing exists and nothing matters other than your master's needs, though this submission you are liberated from your fears, your anxieties, you are only in the present moment you are not thinking about the past or planning the future, no judgement, no insecurity. Only a woof, woof. When one's purpose is met with simplicity only to submit, to please and woof, true beautifying of the ego can be obtained, something too complex becomes to easy to break, but when your life consists of only pleasing the master the sheer simplicity of it produces stability, liberation and fulfillment, enlightenment. You no longer feel the need to please society which you have no control over, to keep enforcing the taboos, to be judged and judge others to project a persona upon the world, no! You are now liberated in your consciousness, your perception, you see the truth, and you see your role as a holder of a sacred womb is to submit and to serve your master so that he may bestow upon you most sacred the seed of life, deep within, you have broken free of the conditioning of society and serve only him with a wagging tail. Not only that, but you have experienced liberation like no others, for the others, the ((normies)) drift though life puppeteered by the social matrix as if they do not have souls, as empty vessels being filled by the elites narratives. You have entered the revolutionary consciousness of PuppyDom and the world will never look the same, the truth will never be hidden again from you, by forsaking your own ego for your master's needs you have reached Sakadagami, you are enlightened, without burden. Good girl.
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