Daily film rec #8: Requiem for a dream

Synopsis: The hopes and dreams of four ambitious people are shattered when their drug addictions begin spiraling out of control. A look into addiction and how it overcomes the mind and body.

Review (no spoil): Again a movie I've seen yeasterday, and really did not know if I was going to like or haye it, since I was disappointed by Black Swan by the same director. But after seeing it I can say it was good ! I think the editing is the stronget point, because the imagery is explicit and explains the feelings and actions of characters without any words while being still surreal and unsettling. 

What I'm not really a fan of in Aronofsky's films is that they are a bit "easy", like this film is a long "don't do drugs" psa. But I really liked the parts about the mother's meds addiction, I think it was really accurate and strong, and the search for money the junkies go through that is as sad as the actual effects of the drugs. It's a pretty disturbing watch that made me wince multiple times, but it could actually be even more disturbing and explicit in mmy  opinion. I don't really like Jared Leto (mostly because of his awful Joker and Morbius), but he was great in the year 2000.

Overall, a solid 8/10, better than expected ! It made me happy that I didn't tried drugs yet, and now my antidepressants pills scare the hell out of me. I recommend to  the strong stomachs here.

2 Kudos


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