NeoAngel's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

DNI and BYI!!



  • Basic Dni (Racists, homophobes, transphobes etc.)
  • Hateful and pessimistic people 
  • People who reality check without permission
  • Unkind or troublesome people
  • People who argue over little things and start up drama
  • People who GENIUNELY hate Hajime Hinata and/or Nagito Komaeda
  • Oversensitive and high maitnence people
  • Fakeclaimers
  • Feeding other people's delusions
  • Proshippers/Sexualizing minors (Including the drv3 cast)
  • Overuse/Misuse of tone tags
  • Bait accounts (ex: Doing problematic things for clout even if it's satire) and giving attention to bait accounts by calling them out or interacting with them.
  • Bullying and harrassment.
  • Romanticizing/Supporting unhealthy behavior.
  • Anti-healing content or beliefs, making an effort to get worse mentally and encourage other people to do the same.



  • I probably won't add or interact first, feel free to interact with me however you like as long as it's respectful! 
  • I have AWFUL memory, I forget things a lot so if I forget something abt you or confuse you with someone else, don't take it personal!!! 
  • I have Borderline Personality Disorder, some social interactions can be rough to deal with, so please be patient and understanding.
  • I don't use pronouns, please refer to me by my name. 
  • I'm in a relationship, no flirting with me unless it's a joke and we're close.
  • Please don't start serious discussions or debates with me. 
  • I might make "kys" jokes so if you're uncomfortable with that or jokingly insulting please let me know!!
  • I am easily overwhelmed or enraged. 
  • Please note that I am a real person with feelings and I can make mistakes, learn from them, grow, mature and apologize. Just like anybody else. Acknowledge that people change for the better if they make an effort.
  • Communicate calm and respectfully.


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