Kalawni's profile picture

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Category: Automotive


So if u don’t know what “Rcta” means, it’s basically ppl who don’t like or feel comfortable in their own race. 

But in my own opinion, I think is kinda weird the fact that ppl will do ANYTHING in their power to become a different race. I also think that it makes the ppl in the other race u wanna change to, uncomfortable. 

It’s kinda like having a fetish towards a certain type of race. But, what’s sad is that STILL in 2023 ppl r being bullied for their race and force themselves to become a different race. I think u should be happy with ur race Bc every race has history and special things that come wit it. 

But what do u think ab Rcta? 


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shodan's profile picture

Why is this in the automotive section?

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julinko's profile picture

crazy how this is the first thing i see when i click on the "automotive" category

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𓇗's profile picture

I was born and raised in the Philippines and have arrived to the US about two years ago. I have never heard of this before?? I mean I know about Oli London or whatever (I do not like him nor accept him as any other race and ethnicity other than his original) but I never thought it would reach to this extreme where people around my age would do this. It honestly sounds really disrespectful because instead of celebrating our differences it feels as if they're taking stereotypes and just glorifying it. Even when they don't know its culture at a deeper level than the people who grew up in their home countries. It's offensive; especially to the people who've had to live not feeling accepted in the environments they were in because they grew up differently. It's like you're claiming to have ethnical ties just because you like how the race looks aesthetically. Not a fan :l

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Voxxus Altari

Voxxus Altari's profile picture

Rcta started out as a 4chan psyop to make LGBTQ+ people look bad, same with the whole "litterboxes in schools" thing that went around (the boxes are actually there so that when schools are on lockdown people don't have to risk their safety if they need the toilet).

Unfortunately, when these sorts of things get spread around the internet, people believe in them too easily or repost them as a joke, which usually results in it spreading further.

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Overlord Alien

Overlord Alien's profile picture

As a POC (biracial east asian specifically), it feels really weird that young tweens/teenagers online want to become my ethnicity especially since I know damn well they wouldnt want to be EA (east asian) when I was growing up. I used to get made fun of for bringing in Korean food, I remember a literal adult from my middle school gave me a weird look when I brought in food. I also know they wouldn't want to be Asian during the hight of covid when me and a bunch of other EA people were fearing our lives. What these children want is the "aesthetic" that comes with being Asian, which doesn't even exist, it's literally a glorified n fetishized version of what being Asian is. I specify talking about Asians because a big majority of these kids want to be Asian. But yeah, that's my take I think it's disgusting

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I totally agree, I mean their basically fetishizing different races for attention. I bet all those ppl who “identify” as an Asian we’re also the ones who were making fun of Asians food or their eyes. The only reason that their jus now changing their race is Bc their seeing that not jus Asians but any type of race is beautiful and they want that kind of attention. I think ur race is beautiful jus like how I think Hispanics race is jus as beautiful.

by Kalawni; ; Report

Thank you! <3 i think this is happening cuz of the rise in east asian entertainment popularity, like kpop, anime, manga, gyaru etc

by Overlord Alien; ; Report

Throught process of them :
Asian = japanese-> japanese = Anime-> Anime = good

by __Stella__; ; Report


PIP's profile picture

ehh people are insane what can u say really

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Who knows 🤷‍♀️

by Kalawni; ; Report