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Category: Music

Song Overview: 奥菲利亚的月出 (Ophelia’s Moonrise)

Listening to the song here is recommended before reading this!

"Ophelia deserved so much more as she plunged into depths.".

     Ophelia's Moonlight is a song I've wanted to write for a long time now. I read Hamlet back in high school and I always got mad at how awful Ophelia was treated by literally every person around her. I know Hamlet is a tragedy, but Ophelia stuck out to me cause she was just someone who didn't seem to have any say in how things went for her, she had to sit by and let other people make decisions for her life. So with a lot of that in mind I wanted to write a song about her plunge into the depths of the river and some of what I think could of been thoughts she had as she sunk down. The name of the song "Ophelia's Moonrise" was chosen by me not for any entirely specific reason. I chose it because it gave the atmosphere I think the song needed as well as setting a scene "Moonrise is starting and I'm washed in the rays" I don't think any set time was mentioned in the book of Ophelia's passing but I think setting it just as the moon is rising in the sky gives it the ability to set a beautiful yet tragic imagery.

     The lyrics here are much more complicated and poetic then I usually go for in my song writing. Recently I've stepped back and wanted to take a new approach to how I do things musically and I wanted to put a LOT more effort into my lyrics. This decision was fitting as the way the lyrics are phrased I think lend themselves to the elegance of Ophelia and how Hamlet was written. I think one of my favorite phrases is "Vivifying and Vilifying me while I'm crying." This line I really wanted to stress Ophelia's predicament and how she was blamed for a lot of Hamlet's behavior when there was absolutely nothing she did that caused him to act the way he did. 

     Overall I just wanted to capture a lot of my feelings on Shakespeare's treatment of Ophelia and how unfair and horrible luck and life he had written for her and I think I was able to convey those thoughts.

About the song's production

     This song was completely new for me and presented itself with a lot of new opportunities to me while I was composing and producing it. I wanted to write something that felt very classical while still keeping my electronic music style in mind and this song I think is the amalgamation of that. I only recently switched to a new DAW from my old one and this is the first song I've released after that switch so I wanted to make it as amazing as possible and I am very satisfied with the results as well as how much I learned while making it. 

     I got to work with a lot of people on this song there were so many nuances to this that while I was the one who wrote the song itself and the lyrics and did the video there was NO way I could of done the rest of it by myself. The first person I want to thank is my close friend Migi he helped me with MANY facets of releasing this song. Not only had he contacted the artist and translator for me, but he ALSO did an amazing job with tuning the Vocaloid Mo Qingxian for me! Mo Qingxian is one of my all time favorite Vocaloids and it was amazing to finally get to write a song with her thanks to the his help and without him this song would not exist in it's amazing form. Secondly I want to thank the rest of the people who made this song possible which is June H. our AMAZING translator who took my english lyrics and made them sound so nice and kept their meaning in Mandarin, Fiorrie who made the absolutely GORGEOUS art that I was able to animate for the video. And dudevenger who made the CC for the youtube video for me as well! Thank you guys all so much.

Thank you for reading this blog post if you enjoy it I am looking forward to try and write one for more of the songs I release in the future!

2 Kudos


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