kissarooooon's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Before You Add Me

Things you should know:

  • I view all intersex & aspec ppl as lgbt+.
  • I don’t really care for label discourse (specifically i think the bi vs pan, anti-mogai/xenos, and anti-neos debates are stupid).
  • I’m not a fan of the “fiction doesn’t affect reality” aka ‘proship’ crowd.
  • I am pro-🏴‍☠️ (i likely won’t discuss it on here though).
  • I am pro educated self-DX.
  • I think self-insert stuff is cute :)
  • I am a leftist! (you probably inferred that already but yk, better safe than sorry lol).
  • I only speak English and Spanish (soy aún aprendiendo, entonces mi español probablemente no es muy bueno jajaja)

Use common sense — if we seem very opposed ideologically then don’t add me, even if I friend requested first (very sorry if this happens). ALSO don’t flirt with me even as a joke it weirds me out :( 

the teacher from incredibles with the text “im muting this” overlaid over him

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