i'm in a silly goofy mood so here's a new years eve storytime !!

so it waz new year'z eve + i had my frend + my ex bf over @ my house + we were chilling in my room when idk how it came up but sumhow the convo went 2 my frend showing off her "mommy dom" voice + she waz jokingly flirting w my ex [[i allowed it cuz it waz a joke]] + then 4 sum reazn she askd me if she could go down on my ex + 4 sum reazn i said yez + i ended up playing solitaire on my ipad while she sucked my ex'z dick while he waz laying on my bed. but i kept looking @ my ex'z face + he seemed 2 enjoy it alot + i felt really bad cuz when i wanted 2 go down on him i got nervous + didn't do 2 well + i started bawling my eyez out cuz i thought he waz gonna break up w me 4 her + they had 2 repeatedly assure me that it waz just a 1 tiem thing + that he truly luvd me + not her. unfortunately we broke up in february so idfk lmao

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