A Explanation About the "Pre-Renewing Period"/"Post-Old World" Bunkers

So as stated in the timeline two post of mine, there were bunkers that humanity survived in over time

of course, through nearly 230 years, natural disasters became a frequent concern, on top of the ocean rising and such, as "Mother Nature" began to reclaim the planet in humanity's underground absence. because of that, any bunker community close to the coasts and near any tectonic fault lines suffered or, simply, died. the majority of the bunkers that survived in North America would've been the ones farther inland or closer to sturdier ground, i.e. mountains and such. 

i explained in the timeline that larger bunkers ended up connecting tunnels to one another over time, in a stronger effort to survive. what i didn't mention is that there were three primary classifications to the bunkers (again, primarily referring the North America for this):

  • Archival Zones (AZ), rarest
  • Military Zones (MZ), not as common but not rare, more common in where the USA was, especially out west
  • Communal Zones (CZ), most common

Communal Zones are where the majority of the populations hid away at; inside these Zones are small underground farm lands and scientific processing "plants" (processed meat, genetically engineered meat, whatever it's called), small libraries (both digital - those didn't last long - and physical books), textile "factories", and other basic necessities for humanity to survive for however long they needed. They survived and thrived more than the other two zones, and it's where most of those who returned to the surface came from. Because of what Communal Zones were provided, AZs and MZs relied on them, if they chose to connect their bunkers. Most of those who were of more religious faiths lived in these zones, and carried their faiths with them when returning to the surface.

Military Zones were centered where old military bases were, whether Army, Air Force, etc, which is why there weren't as many. MZs, of course, had stricter rules and regulations within their zones, also having their own scientific processing "plants". (Each zone technically had them, but CZs had the best ones, civilians come first after all.) MZs had plenty of weapon storage, and, quite frankly, were the ones who caused small wars with neighboring bunkers. Because of their strict laws, not many of these actually survived their time underground, and those who did eventually returned to the surface, sticking very close to where their bunker was and using it as either storage facilities or...well... otherwise. The towns formed by MZs usually kept to themselves, and are incredibly wary of strangers passing through. Not all of them are bad, though. Nomads just have to be very careful in obeying their laws. Some of them were incredibly religious, too, and warped their religious faiths around their laws and regulations, making them dangerous.

Archival Zones, however, were the most uncommon, and were based in the more uninhabited places in North America (middle of nowhere places, pretty much). They were the scientists, the researchers, the genius minds, the atheistic beliefs, and so on. They, out of the three bunker zones, had the best of all types of scientific engineering - functioning computers, especially. They, as given by their name, had extensive archives of everything from the "Old World", albeit the information they had varied depending on their locations. Some specialized in specific informational categories (i.e. geology, engineering, chemistry, cartography, history, medicine, etc.) more than other of these zones. Because of their scientific backgrounds, AZs chose to remain underground, for the most part, almost constantly somewhat paranoid that there could be just that One(1) thing wrong with everything on the surface that could harm the residents if they chose to rise above the ground. The major concern was potential new viruses and diseases. It's because of this that, past the 230 year mark, AZs remained underground, and, over time (aka by 477 AW [After War]), became fewer and rarer.

Another thing to note about the bunkers is that they were further categorized by a three-digit number. For example: AZ-897. I haven't yet decided what the three digits are called, I think for the sake of the storyline, it doesn't quite matter, but they're essentially, like, location or identification codes or something along those lines. 

Anyway that's pretty much it, if you have questions please ask! I'll probably come up with something lmao

2 Kudos


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