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Category: Blogging

Get to know me thing I stole

1. Full Name: Abel

2. Nick name: Babel Yul Studmuffin idk

3. Birthday: April 13

4. Place of Birth: Idk 

5. Zodiac Sign: Aries

6. Male or Female: Male

7. Grade: 9th I think 

8. School: No

9. Occupation: Dog

10. Location: Ny

11. Screen Names: splurter, Yul, yulreal

12. Hair Color: Blond at heart 

13. Hair Long or Short: Shortish

14. Eye Color: Greenish hazelish idk

16. Height: 5'7-8 idk

18. Shoe Size: I think 9

20. Glasses: Naw

21. Piercings: Tongue and industrial 

22. Tattoos: I have leg bands and matching ones w the bro and sis and Uhh

23. Righty or Lefty: Right


24. First celebrity crush: Idk

25. First B.F/ G.F: Irrelevant 

26. First best friend: Dj

27. First Award: idk if it was my first but I got a presidential award in elementary school before I became full sped

28. First Sport You joined: Baseball

29. First Pet: beta fish

30. First Vacation: No idea

31. First Concert: Hollywood undead but my first super fun amazing concert was Darkie sg tour

32. First love?: My big sister


33. Movie: Spirited away

34. TV Show: Idk

35. Color: Red

36. Band: Does sg count idk

37. Song: Alltime favorite is put your head on my shoulder 1959 ver

38. Food: Junk food sweet stuff spicy stuff (NOT together) I love Korean food and hotpot mmmm

39. Drink: Banana milk and Arizona blueberry probably 

40. Candy: Idk I like a lot

41. Sport To Play: Idk

42. Sport To Watch: None maybe fighting idk

43. Brand Of Clothing: Basketball shorts

44. Store: Fye

45. School Subject: Lunch

46. Animal: Foxes tigers and river otters

47. Book: Can't read


49. Eating: Banana

50. Drinking: Water

51. Typing to on IM: No

52. Online: Idk

53. Listening To: The shawty play genshin

54. Thinking About: Boobs

55. Wanting To: Idk 

56. Watching: The shawty play gensin

57. Wearing: Red shorts 

58. Want Kids: Idk 

59. Want to Get married: Yes asap

60. Careers in Mind?: Music maybe


78. Kissed a Stranger: Probably 

79. Drank Alcohol: Yeah

80. Smoked: Yeah

81. Ran Away From Home: Kind of

82. Broken a Bone: Nah

83. Got an X-ray: I just got one of those teeth ones

84. Broke Up With Someone: Yeah 

85. Broken Someone's Heart: Yeah but it was deserved 

86. Turned Someone Down: Yeah

87. Cried When Someone Died: No

88. Cried At School: Probably 


89. God: Idk

90. Miracles: Maybe

91. Love At First Sight: No 6es maybe

92. Ghosts: When I see one for myself yeah

93. Aliens: x2

94. Soul Mates: Yes very much

95. Heaven: Eh

96. Hell: Ehh

97. Cheating: Uh

99. Horoscopes: What 

1 Kudos


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