Rating Total Drama Ships But I Hate Them All


Remember, this is all my own opinion and if you feel differently that is completely okay! this is just what I think!

1. Aleheather (Alejandro + Heather)

Erm... 5/10. It's a very ok ship! I don't imagine them ever being genuinely happy together just because of their personalities clashing. But it is cute when they aren't being horrible to each other, which is almost never. 

2. Nowen (Noah + Owen)

Uhhh, 5/10! I get it but I don't. Noah and Owen are more like roommates to me, or like just close friends with a moon and sun dynamic. Plus, Noah finds Owen gross.

3. Duncney (Duncan + Courtney) 

1/10. The one is for effort. This ship is horrible, toxic and I hate every aspect of it outside from moments in season one. EUGH. STOP THIS...

4. Gwuncan (Duncan + Gwen)

No. 0/10 forever and ever and ever and ever GET THIS SHIP OUT MY FACE. I HATE IT!!!! SO MUCH!

5. Hashawna? Lashawnold? (Harold + Lashawna)

You know what? It isn't bad. 6/10. I just wish Harold was a bit different in... personality. Aka he washed his underwear more often... But Lashawna is THE girlfriend.

6. Noco (Cody + Noah)

There was like five total moments of them even interacting past the ear thing in season 1? But it's cute! I like it. Can they please kiss like once. 6/10.

7. Courtgwen (Gwen + Courtney)

8/10. I love this ship and I think it's because I like the goth x smart girl dynamic. But it's better then Gwuncan or Duncney because those are so done up for the sake of adding drama to the plot. I just want my girls to be happy wtf.

8. Bethney (Lindsey + Beth)

7/10. They are definitely more bffs to me in the show, and I can't imagine Beth or Lindsey being each others type in canon. But they are so cute! And outside canon... this bimbo x nerd ship is much more prosperous... ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

9. Alenoah (Alejandro + Noah)

7.5/10. I know they don't even like each other that much. But like... can a guy dream. Please. The fanfics are so cute, they convinced me. And plus poc ships WHOO!

10.  Coderra (Sierra + Cody)

-10/10 Die immediately if you ship this you should be taken out back and smacked in your head. What is wrong with you. Get out of here. Stop.

I'm making a part two because I want to.

2 Kudos


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