Assuming I don't immediately forget about this site it might be nice to use it to actually blog rather than just reblogging stuff. I used to post about my day all the time as a teenager but then stopped after a while smh.
I have had a neutral day so far! I've been a bit down all summer but some books I ordered arrived and my dad got me some strawberry bonbons in town. They were even sweeter than I remembered, even though it's only been like a year since I had them. I shall ration them as they are too sweet even for me. If I can muster up the will to actually work on one of my passion projects instead of playing timewasting games all day I'm counting it as a huge win.
I've been playing a grindy farming game (not stardew, grindier) the past week, and it's nice enough, but at least when I'm idly playing tetris for hours, I'm using my brain still. Ah well. I'm still adjusting to being back on my meds.
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