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Category: Music

I wish i were in a band

I play The electric guitar, Ive been practicing, i still need to get better though cause i still suck ass. Im at least able to play songs, just not as quick to learn them and my fingers fuck up a lot when its a cord and theres multiple notes at once. BUT IT SUCKS HAVING TO PLAY ALONE. Didn't realize how lonely it actually is once your done playing a whole song on your own and literally not one soul in the planet gives a shit. 

And when im talking about being in a band i don't mean that sissy weird fucking band from school type of shit, Im talking about a metal or rock band maybe mash all genres at once. Lead singer, Two guitarists, One bass player, A drummer. Just make fun of each other, do all types of weird shit, say stupid shit, come up with some band name and have fun with it all. I m BEGGING to at least be in a call with someone or in person and just play some song or riff together idk make something up even if it sounds like ass.

Idk im bored or sum shit 

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