-basic dni criteria (racist, homophobic, you get the deal. transphobia also includes people who are against neopronouns, so DNI if you’re against that too.)

-anyone 17+. no hate to yall, it just seems awkward and weird for a 13 year old to be talking to someone who is like, 4+ years older than them.

-support people/content that you know is problematic. 

-into weird shit [example watching porn.. dont send that shit to me either.]

-make fun of or hate my interests.. like. ok…

-THOSE rui fans. you know who you are.


-sometimes i may forget to use tonetags, but i will try my best to remember if you ask me to use them.

-sometimes my tone will change [i may “talk like this.” or “Talk like this!!” depending on my mood/how i feel. most of the time it’s not cause i’m upset.]

-if you have a typing quirk or use fonts, please provide a translation. i have a hard time reading those and can’t really understand what you’re saying without them.

-i will ramble about my interests at certain times, often when i see a word associated with my interests. you can ask me to stop rambling if it’s too overwhelming, i won’t be offended.

-i tend to spam messages often. if you ask me to stop i’ll still message you, i just wont spam you.

-i’m not very good with comforting people when they vent, and i also tend not to respond if you randomly vent without asking. however i am always willing to listen.

-sometimes i may not understand tone. you may use tonetags, and if you don’t that is fine, but i will ask you.

i believe this is it for the DNI and BYI lists, but feel free to ask anything about it if you want. just don’t be an asshole and i’m sure everything will be fine.

2 Kudos


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