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Category: Life

Dunno if I'm just maturing or becoming jaded

To elaborate on that title, it feels like recently a bunch of things I used to like (or at least tolerate) I flat out dislike, usually in regards to communities or whatnot. Like just for the main example, I used to LOVE being in the furry fandom, at least when I first truly joined it about 5 years ago, but now that I've been in this fandom I've honestly just grown to hate a lot of parts of it. Honestly a good chunk of furries are just really unbearable to be around for one reason or another, usually me just finding them annoying or awful to be around, plus I just find myself weirded out by them more times than not. I've grown to especially hate the popular ones, especially the ones on Twitter. Not saying any names because I don't wanna start shit (especially since I'm comparatively a nobody), but like 95% of popular furries have no personality besides "i'm a furry and annoying" or "i'm a furry and angry". Like you gotta be popular for something, whether it's making art or music or something like that, just endlessly tweeting the most inane crap and being as annoying and obnoxious as possible does NOT make you interesting or make me wanna follow you, just makes me wanna stay far away from you. Honestly I'm just here for like 10% of the fandom that makes it enjoyable to be in (if you're reading this, you're likely part of that 10%, unless if you're not a furry at all), at least nowadays, but even then it feels like that number is constantly shrinking. I question whether I'm just maturing or becoming jaded because I've only really been in this fandom for 5 years and I'm not that old so idk if it's truly maturing (or just comparatively maturing) or just becoming jaded.

Idk man, at this point I'm just here for the friends and communities I enjoy being in and the art. And furry girls.

Also, if I feel like it, I might make a similar blog in the future on something else.

2 Kudos


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✯xX_d34dbunn1_Xx✯'s profile picture

You will go through ebbs and flows when it comes to being in a fandom. I have been in this fandom for 18 years now and have had moments where I wanted to quit or it felt dead. once in 2011 then again in 2018 and again in 2021 with all the drama and bewares and cancellations of everyone for the most minor things including me who have been caught up in it several times since then. and out of all of those times I felt jaded and wanted to leave the fandom because it has lost it's magic.

Even now I don't associate with the fandom much anymore. at least not with many young furries because they are insufferable (You're one of the good ones) especially on Twitter and Instagram. They want to make everything political, drama, cancel culture happy and it's exhausting because it feels like they didn't join the fandom for the fun and escapism like how we may have joined it for all those years ago but, joined it for the clout.

it's ok to feel the way you feel. I truly understand.

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