Synopsis: A peculiar neighbor offers hope to a recent widow who is struggling to raise a teenager who is unpredictable and, sometimes, violent.
Review (no spoil): Wow, this movie makes me forget to breathe. A true heartbreaking piece of pure art. Don't get repulsed by the title it's not the kind of mommy you think about. It's a beautiful trip in a complicated mother-son relashionship, a fight of a mother, and the struggle of a son with his impulsive behaviour and neurodivergence. Every shot is beautiful, and every direction choice is spot on, the photography can be part of a museum. A intresting element is the camera size, I let you see it yourself, but the camera format changes might be some of my favorite scenes in cinema. This is a crushing dramatic masterpiece you should all experience.
Why you should watch it: If you like to be breathtaken, cheesy dramatic music (there is lana del rey playing in it), stunning performances, scenes that will stuck with you for a while and a sad family story by a queer director with mother issues, you definitely should watch it !
(ps: I originally wrote a review of another movie but it crashed and I lost everything..)
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