Power Scaling Chronicle

Power Scaling Chronicle

This time I delve into the world of Chronicle. A movie with not much buzz around it, especially in the VS Battle scene.

  • For simplicity's sake, I will be assuming all non-superhuman appearing characters are average human level unless I have reason to believe otherwise
  • I'll be assuming that the universe is nearly equal to our own. I feel like this doesn't need to be said, but I'm the detailed type.
  • Our three character's forms go in the following order: Human ⇾ Preflight ⇾ Peak
  • I'm not assuming relativity among the boys.
  • I'll be going in order from weakest to strongest.


As in any story, the label of "Human" ranges quite a bit. In this case, it's fairly easy to categorize characters, as they're almost all teens.

  • Basic human level. Imagine that. No one appears to be an athlete.
  • Andrew is probably the slowest, being substantially less fit than Steve. He's most likely low human.
  • Matt and Steve are most likely relative. Nothing about them jumps out as athlete level so basic human speed is fine.
  • Basic human level. No one is exceptionally durable.
  • I'll place endurance here since it plays an active role in the movie. The main characters can't even move small items with telekinesis without getting a nosebleed. Their human forms should have even less stamina.
  • Basic human level. No surprise here.
  • Andrew is exceptionally weak. Low human level.
  • Basic human level. The main characters are high schoolers, and no adult shows any particular strength in this category.
  • Andrew is extremely docile and shy. Not violent in any way.
  • Matt is a cool dude for the most part. Not violent, and in fact may be the least violent in the group.
  • Steve is also a chill dude. He isn't violent at all.


This will be referring to the boys before their flight training. I'm keeping this separate from Peak as to not cause whiplash when reading feats.

  • The Preflight boys aren't any faster than before. Human level.
  • Preflight Andrew is phased but unbothered at his father's punch. Keep in mind that his father was a firefighter not very long ago, making him around athlete level. Andrew tanking this puts him at the higher human level of durability. Translated over, the other boys are probably just a smidgen more durable. You lose 100 street cred when you start using terms like "smidgen".
  • I'll be implementing some new terms to help imagine some of these stats. First one is material labels in reference to body hardness. The Preflight Boys are probably wood level. They should do a good job taking physical hits from basic humans and may even have some slight piercing resistance.
  • Preflight Andrew is the only one we see in combat. He holds his father off the ground and against a wall before throwing him a good 5 or 10 feet. This borders on peak human and low super human in terms of strength.
  • Both Preflight Andrew and Steve are able to telekinetically slide/redirect cars. Sliding taking substantially more effort. This also borders on peak human and low super human.
  • The boys don't get any smarter, but their knowledge of the powers fuel their general power level. Steve is the fastest learner, possessing non-moving flight before the flight training. Matt is shown to be the slowest across the board, seemingly one step behind Andrew and Steve.
  • Preflight Andrew begins to slip mentally. He's still with it in fortitude, but he has a lot on his mind.
  • Preflight, all three boys are much the same, albeit with much more confidence. Andrew begins to break bad, but nothing too noteworthy. If anyone were to be labeled as violent here, it's Andrew.


This will be referring to the boys after their flight training. Learning to fly seems to really rewire their brain towards utilizing their powers, making this version of them feel completely new. I'll be using some solidified labels here, since I plan to use the Peak Boys stat charts in some Vs Battles in the future. For the simpletons, I'll give a brief guess one the last bullet of each chapter.

  • The Peak Boys aren't notably fast on foot. Calling them below superhuman would feel weird, though, seeing as they are well into superhuman in other stats. My conservative guess is super human at 24 m/s or a bit over 50 mph.
  • Footwork may not have been a great showing. We make up for it with flight speed. The boys fly at speeds very comparable to a commercial passenger plane. Seeing as though the plane that passes by them is overwhelming, I'm hesitant to put them at that speed. That being said, a plane flying right next to you may be overwhelming for a lot of reasons.
  • Continuing flight, the boys definitely move faster than the police helicopters chasing them down. Going between helicopter and commercial jet speed lands their flight at 165 m/s or 370 mph. This is nearly 7 times super human.
  • TL;DR: The boys should move at 7x super human.
  • Peak Steve (who died before the massive power cliffing) gets taken out by a bolt of lightning. This isn't particularly surprising and doesn't tell us much. 
  • Peak Andrew is an absolute tank. Andrew survives a large gas explosion, singing off large amounts of his skin. This on its own should be lethal. After this, he gets launched through a concrete wall by Matt and slammed through asphalt at what seems to be Matt's top speed. Andrew then gets sent through multiple floors of an apartment, shocked by a streetlight (120-480V), and pierced by a thick pole before dying.
  • If Andrew is a tank, Peak Matt is a nuclear bunker. Matt gets hit by a bus being thrown by Peak Andrew. This bus doesn't seem to slow down, slamming Matt into a building. I'm not a mathematician, but I want some numbers to work with. With a body mass of 30,000lbs, an impact velocity of 75mph, a collision distance of 200ft, and an impact time of 1 second, that puts the bus peak force at 250,000 joules. This force should then be applied again, seeing as though the bus slams him into a wall at the same speed. The force of this obliterates multiple concrete walls, ripping the side of a building off. Matt then goes on to be put through multiple apartment floors, imitating a large grenade explosion, and still has enough life left in him to dish out full power strikes. My health bar for Matt is looking like 1,000,000 joules if I had to guess. That's 333 times super human.
  • Conservative breakdown aside, assuming Andrew's hits are small building level (~.15 tons of TNT according to Vs Battles Wiki) and Matt takes three or more substantial hits in a fight, that's 1,882,800,000 joules taken without dying. 627,600 times super human. This is a funny number but also a weird one. We know the boys should die to a lightning bolt, so this number is definitely a high ball.
  • The boys seem to be prone to piercing, choosing to avoid being shot and Andrew dying to a piercing attack from Matt. That being said, they seem to be able to lessen the blow of bullets or at least somewhat tank them to the extremities.
  • TL;DR: I'd round Matt and Andrew to 350x super human.
  • Peak Matt and Andrew have physical and mental stamina for days, being able to have intense fights that involve throwing dozens of cars and repeating fast flight combat. On top of this, Matt takes off after his win, flying 11,000 km in a day or two before his wounds could heal.
  • Speaking of wounds, the boys don't seem to have anything substantial in terms of body regen. Becoming wounded is much more difficult than healing from wounds.
  • Pain tolerance lines up with telekinetic striking strength. They can tank what they can dish out, but they don't like how it feels. Still, it doesn't stop them at all. Andrew only seemed hurt because he was being hit with massive attacks while his skin was melted off his body.
  • TL;DR: Matt and Andrew have enough stamina for hard, not too drawn out combat.
  • If you've read the other chapters, you'll know that my assessment for power will be well over super human. Starting at physical strength, the boys don't give me much to work with. Punches are replaced by flying tackles so I'll leave this up to interpretation.
  • Flying tackles, on the other hand, can be given a number. These are easily small building level, seeing as though they go through buildings. If the boys hit even half as hard as the bus, they're 41 times super human. Going off of Vs Battles wiki, the boys hit at 209,200 times super human.
  • Telekinesis plays a big role in the boy's fighting style. They can easily throw large vehicles and bring down helicopters. This can be done by grabbing individual objects or creating blasts with telekinetic force. Assuming a bus is the max weight that can be thrown, that's a wide sweeping attack worth 15 super humans.
  • It's worth mentioning that Andrew is blamed for Steve's death. It isn't explored, but Andrew is credited with summoning storms and directing lightning. I can't find a great source on joule amount, but 1 billion joules seems to be the low ball for a lightning strike.
  • TL;DR: Matt and Andrew hit at about 40x super human.
  • Andrew and Matt are seen somewhat reacting to bullets. This may be aim blocking so I won't use this as a big feat for time perception. We know they don't see lightning coming, so lightning down stroke speed perception is off the table as well.
  • Most importantly, Peak Andrew and Matt react to one another. Flying through the air at nearly 400 miles an hour and reacting to others doing the same puts perception well past super human.
  • Tactical soundness improves a bit here. Matt and Andrew have some concept of tactic but it isn't notable. Fights are loud and proud, with the two really only able to dodge projectiles and smash tgheir opponent into walls.
  • TL;DR: Big idiots who can react to 400 mph projectiles.
  • Let me tell ya': Andrew is no longer mentally sound. He turns into every teenage male on the internet. Andrew is a monster in terms of bloodlust, morals, and will. He wants violence. That being said, he's largely defensive towards humans but isn't afraid to kill.
  • When he’s enraged and at his lowest, Andrew’s ingenuity and creativity is replaced by extreme aggression. He becomes sloppy, and is very bad at using his powers in precise ways.
  • Matt is an opposite to Andrew. He is much more collected and doesn't want to be violent, but Matt also doesn't want to die. He fights back hard and has a tad bit of method to his madness.

Luna's POV

This is my friend, Luna's take on the subject of Peak Andrew and Matt:

Matt and Andrew are capable of throwing buses at each other with enough force to almost surely blow up a small building— I’m talking something the size of a room or a shack— cabin level, if you will! This is corroborated by many feats— Andrew blasting a wall open with telekinetic force  in a way that matches the above description— the amount of damage dealt to the building they threw the bus into upon impact matches the above description as well. There’s the first time that Andrew threw actual cop cars— one single blast had enough force to launch back the cars several feet in the air, and he does the same thing again from a farther distance (meaning far less of the burst hit his opponents).

In terms of speed, I’d say a higher end interpretation of their flight capabilities seems to be something around Mach 1 or 2, given the distance that Matt had to have traveled within a very short amount of time— unless you want to say their stamina is even higher than Nerdy Occultist suggests.

Overall, I liken them to “Walking Missiles”. If you had to fight them, you’d have to figure out how you’d deal with someone who is basically comparable to a Rocket Propelled Grenade at all times. Not good for you.

That’s basically around Small Building Level, which is 6,666.666 Satan’s x superhuman. Lol

2 Kudos


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