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Category: Games

New Rhythm Game discovered! | RYCEAM

I just discovered a new funny rhythm game; its name is RYCEAM.

It's a TapTap exclusive only, but it's worth a shot since its gameplay is pretty unique imho

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rob21's profile picture

how the game works tho? :0 the UI looks cool af

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It's a music game similar to Phigros and Orzmic, where you basically have to clear charts by clicking notes and other things. Most of the games in the genre are skill-based, so it take a while to get better. btw this is the youtube account of RYCEAM, I forgot to put the link in LOL

by Nemocchi; ; Report

oh wow, its looks like when you tryna learn piano :0 my first thought about the game, is that it's similar to the old Audiosurf game where we had a spaceship. We needed to navigate across three lines, and as you progressed you needed to grab the same colors over time and that's how we could have points for the run.

by rob21; ; Report