britney spears's profile picture

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Category: Blogging

go away + just so ya kno

go away

Yall better b readin this..cuz i keep gettin reqs frum freaky edgelords who like gore n shit..or....*shiver*..4chan weirdos....GET OUT!!!!! no freaks allowed here only err yk. SANE people

ik dnis barely work i jus wanna express my hatred 4 yall n idk maybe itll get yall away from me..ig not tho cuz i still get weirdos in ma fqs)

(also idc who ur friends wit..unless theyre like nazis or tcc..lolicons..what else whateva. err ion like u if ur friends wit them weirdos)

my 'dni' thing aint rlly allat im kool wit mainly evry1 this is jus a whole lotta YAP read tha BYF if u wanna kno all tha things that suck bout me!!!!!

obviously shit like racists, homophobes, zionists, zoophiles, necrophiles, transphobes, proshippers, weird shi like that instead of readin this go touch grass lil sissy bitch

nazis duh (or neo nazis whatever idfc bout the right words but ik yall lil weirdos love to get mad like "erm ackshually, im a NEO nazi. *chuckle*")

or jus fascists..go away

those tcc kids that idolize murderers (if u just like true crime ion really give two bootyfucks but if ya out here meatridin some loser killers get outta here edgy ass or if u got a list of favorite criminals YA WEIRD BUB "heh...they were actually good if u remove the murderer part" too bad im not removin tha murderer part! go suck ya own cock..not like its over 0.2 inches)

mfs who dont kno what a joke or joy is like they always bein like "heh...thats cringe.." or always takin shit so seriously crack a smile bruh ur not shadow the hedgehog stop bein so negative nancy

also supa sensitive ion like callin ppl sensitive cuz it makes me feel like 1 of em "sigma andrew tate top g patrick bateman" kids but like...ion want supa sensitive ppl gettin mad @ me n shyt 4 my jokes..ik theres way 2 many sensitive ass kids on here 2

n i hope this dont sound insensitive..but them mega chronically online ppl who apparently have like 50 disorders needs 2 b "interacted with care!" or all that...2020 twitter bullshit yk.. im sure u understand what typa ppl im talkin bout.. hazbin hotel fans 4 example! they have alotta those ppl..

ppl who support tha actions of bad 4 example idgaf if u like msi but if u like support dat 1 dude jimmy piss or sumn get out brah hes a kid liker..same wit spm all those otha chomos yk

chiefs fans. (jokes idrc whut team u like.....i guess....)

also those religious people who b tryna convert people on profiles, ion care if ur religious obviously cuz i aint a weirdo but yeah dont be like commentin unrelated verses on my shit bruh

n ppl wholl only friend me 2 have a big friends list..stop friend collectin bitch its called FRIENDin 4 a reason..nobody gaf bout yo 394923848293 friends

mega edgelords, not tha cool typa shadow the hedgehog is badass n tha corny type like yk them mf mayhem fans (or bm fans in general. they all so CORNY) who cant shut up about how they wanna kill everyone and wanna watch everyone who isnt like them suffer?? yeah anything like those things.. sounds specific but if youve seen more than 3 of em youll kno that shits accurate

lolicons/shotacons or just anyone who likes anything sexual n lil kid related.. ddlg whateva fiction or not (just say ur a pedophile) "heh well its drawn/shes actually 1000!" dont care lil bro keep blabberin or mfs who say they lolis or shotas ur 48 year old man in his moms basement ur not a loli reginald

ppl who do nun but vent stfu bout ur life suckin n wantin 2 die 4 a sec bruh idgaf if u make vents but if like ur ONLY posts r vents...stfu..

n i think tellin a certain group of ppl who r jus fans of smth 'unproblematic' is dumb..but imma b a hypocrite here....GO AWAY if ur a boykisser fan like that lil furry meme thing..ESPECIALLY if u have a pfp of it n have like :3 in ur name or smth UR CORNY BRUH and hazbin hotel tadc regretavator anything like that megafans idgaf if u jus kinda like it but if like ur a huge cringe ahh fan of em errr.....u can go ahead n talk 2 me but i might not like ya that much..hazbin hotel/helluva boss fans can jus go tho ion like yall

also if i comment on yo shit and ur on my dni dont go "heh dni goes both ways motherfucker!" cuz ion give a shit if ur goofy ima make fun of u for bein goofy cough yall tcc mfs thinkin ur clever by doin those lil replies


disagree=yo mamas fat

TLDR: basic shit, friend collectors n tcc

just so ya kno/sum stuff bout me idk

mb i neva noticed how..long i made this....very hmmm yappy yappy. jus skim thru it yakno cuz i aint tha best person ion say tha best things.. im not a perfect person.....theres many things i wish i didnt dooo..

ion take myself seriously so dont take me seriously either especially jokes i make

n bout dat..if i make any cringe was meant 2 b cringe bro..i SWEAR ion actually act like that its jus funny....

about always talkin bout my fav stuff like blah blah blah did ya kno yap yap did u jus say a letter thatsa ckscually a fartballs reference snort n i b goin insane n hoppin around n gigglin when sum1 mentions my fav stuff so its prolly annoyin idk..

ion think 2 highly of maself so wheneva im like sayin stuff dat sounds like im suckin my own dick err im 99% jokin.....dont think im bein fr..

i say what comes to my mind fuck what ya feel nah jk lol thats some wannabe bad boy shit but onb i aint really gonna care too much bout some random mf ion knows feelings honesty is the best policy yo imma say whuts on ma mind

BUTTTTTTT DONT THINK OF DAT " just so unfiltered n i say what everyones thinkin!" SHIT I AINT LIKE THAT im not mean 4 no reason!!!!!!!!!!! if ur nice 2 me imma b nice 2 u n if ur mean 2 me errrrr hmm ill prolly b mean but idk sumtimes i feel like spreadin peace!

i make offensive jokes err not like.REAL bad like r@pe jokes those r fukd up im jus talkin stuff that a mega chronically online kid wouldnt like..not smth a regular person would get mad @.. im pretty sure.....

i like endin sentences wit periods..single periods not liek here where im all dotty...cuz it makes me look all dont think im mad @ u

umm if i come off as rude i PROOOOMISE i aint tryna b unless ur like weird or smth im either joking or i didnt mean 2 sound rude im srory...ion like bein mean i like bein NICE

im a careless person n idk if ppl see dat as bad or not but ion rlly care bout a lotta stuff...this aint sayin ion care bout u yo or smt like dat...jus sayin yo.....

my peak funniness n shyt is gone so if u friended me like after jan u dont kno my tru bulletins r boring now........sigh...sadly............

i hate on stuff sometimes but its always just jokes unless its genuinely problematic or whateva, ion give a fuk if u like smth or dont like ect. obviously.. dont listen to some kid on the internet hating on shi lol do what u wanna do as long as it dont hurt anyone even if ya like some bs like taylor swift keep lovin what ya love bro

i flirt as like a if ya aint chill wit that tell me foo.....but i try to make it obvious im jokin cuz i aint cray itll prolly jus b "I'm going to touch you in places that'll make you tickle."

i take like nothin seriously u could write me thhe most beautiful well written essay ever or tell me tha worst news eva and d prolly respond with alalalabulelealulelebaba its pretty ez 2 please me tho i laugh @ basically anythin n sumtimes yhat aint a real good thing..

im immature as fuk and i make way too many sex jokes and swear a flip fart freak ton..heh.....ima bad boy..frick.

i seem like im mad alot but usually theyre jus jokes or im not genuinely pissed lolz it aint ez 2 make me mad im usually pretty jolly..giddy....mayhaps..ofc i get mad but not supa mad a lot n ion rlly get mad @ my friends when they didnt do nothin real bad so if u think im mad @ u im prolly not when i end sentences wit single periods. ive heard it sounds like im mad but nuhuh i jus wanna loolk smart

ion really care if sum1 hates me so if ik u hate me im either jus gonna mess wit u or unfriend u dawg....if u really dont like sum1 jus unfriend em lil mf oogabooga n it aint ez 2 bother me wit like insults or smth or HELP THEM H8 ACCS AGAINST ME tha serious ones btw they made me laugh

bein corny awkward annoyin shi like that is sum of my humor if i randomly go like Naruto Uzumaki here, to tell you that Kai Cenat will become the next Hokage! Believe it! soz homeboi

ion like listenin to what people tell me to do n im impatient....ill still wait tho cuz i aint boutta b like "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR HURRY YO ASS UP!!!!!!!!!!!!'...usually..ion like soundin err mean n stuff so i try not 2

also sayin fag i say slurs sumtimez it aint like i cant say em..who dont b sayin em sumtimes...i dont overdo it like em cornballs always makin THOSE accs yakno.."HEH FAG FAG IM A FAG!!!" stfu lil mf

i prolly wont comment on yo vents or like suicide shyt n stuff not cuz ion care bout u bein sad n shyt but cuz ion kno how 2...jus kno im hopin ur feelin better soon n i do care bruh

n speakin of that, even tho i prolly wont comment on tha bulletins, u can always talk 2 me..theres also always hotlines u can call, im not 2 good wit advice but usually ill have sum 2 give..but i can always listen n ill always have ur back if ur my friend yo

idk anymore id say im chill if it wouldnt make me sound all full of myself n shi yo also this lil byf thing kinda makes me sound real mean yo sum1remind me to make this sound nicer later...

sum of my stories from past experiuences n shi par be weird as sshi like violent or sexual but i put warnins n shi.......i aint dumb yo

TLDR: i say stupid stuff my humors stupid n sum ppl might get mad but i try 2 refrain from dat..

BONUS!! OOOOH friend me!!!!!!!!!!

underground nu metal fans legally gotta marry me. pucker up big boy MWA MWA MWA PWWEEEESSS DADDY NEEDS A BIG SLOPPY KISS

any1 who thinkz im kool :D..whos actually kool themselves. STOP FRIENDIN ME IF ALL UR INTERESTS R JUS "pjsk honkai genshin identity v tadc welcome home *more faggy stuff*" DAWG FRIEND ME IF U A KOOL PERSON AKA SUM1 WHO GOT STUFF IN COMMON W ME NOT JUS 4 FUKIN MORE FRIENDS

h8rs suck my footlong

35 Kudos


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MetalHeart's profile picture


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•”Kenize”• (Johnnie Guilberts wife)

•”Kenize”• (Johnnie Guilb...'s profile picture

So glad i’m not on this list

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1NF3CT3D!! (Kyle. ༺☣༻/RED...'s profile picture

alright pal, the wedding will be in colorado in casa bonita on 4/20 so get ready.

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Bremm :P

Bremm :P's profile picture

very fair dni list

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luz 's profile picture

dude you're cool asf

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luz 's profile picture

dude you're cool asf

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spongepurt 🐋

spongepurt 🐋's profile picture

i am absolutely in love with the way you type

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Why thank you, kind sir.

by britney spears; ; Report


null's profile picture

this is the realest shit ive seen on this site good looks bro 🤝🤝

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🕷 dezonline

🕷 dezonline's profile picture

wow omg im in flurtz' dni list famous !!!

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No opps allowed on my blogs!!!!!!I am MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by britney spears; ; Report

too bad im here buddy....and i DONT plan to leave...

by 🕷 dezonline; ; Report

well imma make u leave..wether u like it or not lil bro.....u gettin tha consequences of yo actions..OPPS GET LSOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by britney spears; ; Report

whats the consequences...i aint scared of u lil brah...

by 🕷 dezonline; ; Report

u dont wanna kno....jus kno it involves Violence..........

by britney spears; ; Report

well,i'm ready....

by 🕷 dezonline; ; Report

ur "nookie" punched ma dog n called my grandma fat......#dissapointed

by britney spears; ; Report


by 🕷 dezonline; ; Report

MY mamas fat huh....yo mamaz fat ugly n bakla...get outta here lil bro...

by britney spears; ; Report

she thin af cuz im a vampire n i sucked her she a part of me.......i fukd yo mama n yo homo tho..

by britney spears; ; Report


SIVIUS's profile picture

well you don't mind losers right?

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i dont minds them one bit

by britney spears; ; Report


by SIVIUS; ; Report