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Category: Life

hey y'all

lotta real scary stuff going on here. idk what happened between the spammer people and that girl alissa irl but no matter what she didn't deserve this. i hope the spammers know that what they did is wrong, and that harrassing innocent people is a low to which you should never stoop.

to alissa, i hope you're doing okay, and know that there is someone out there who loves you, and there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel.

to people who are being triggered by this, please take a break, go drink some water, and watch a show/movie or listen to some music you love! we'll be here when you're ready to come back.

and to everyone else, just block, report, and move on. you can leave one or two comments to let your anger out but don't add fuel to a dumpster fire. it's not worth it.

i love y'all, go outside if it's light in your timezone

xoxo, ceci

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