a traumatic geography lesson

i loved geography but i've always hated the teacher. her voice is insanely loud and she can be a bit hot-headed sometimes. she's alright with me, though so i guess i'm safe. (not really) 

on wednesday, we had to do some presentations and there was this one group who couldn't stop talking and she acknowleged that. she told them to get out of the class, but they didn't take action so she yelled at them, but they still wouldn't bugde from their seats. so, she banged the table loudly. then, the group got out. once they were out of the class, she calmly said, "ok, who's next to present?" lmao she was basically telling them to fuck off at this point 😭😭

when she yelled at the group, the whole class was tense. i was scared. my heart was beating so fast. i was imagining scenarios where she would yell at someone and if they didn't act immediately, she'd throw a chair at them. god. 

so, moral of the story, if you have a hot-headed teacher, please divert your focus to their lesson, or else they'll give you second-hand embarrassment as a punishment. or worse.

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bdof's profile picture

was this really traumatic? this sounds like a normal day in public highschool to me

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well, i guess for me, it was traumatic. i just can't stand it when others yell and i could never get used to it.

by kogas; ; Report

Well I hope the rest of the school year can be more peaceful for you. A bad teacher can really ruin a subject or even school altogether.

by bdof; ; Report