DeciSpark 🍉's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

How to hide "Cool New People"

Method 1: Using Stylus

  1. Open the Stylus menu, and click on "Manage"
  2. Click on "Write New Style" on the left.
  3. Click on Import.
  4. Paste the following code into the field:
    @-moz-document domain("") { {
        display: none;
        visibility: hidden;
  5. Click on Overwrite Style.
  6. Rename the style to something you can remember.
  7. Click on Save.

Method 2: Using uBlock Origin

  1. Open up the uBlock Origin dashboard.
  2. Go to the My Filters tab.
  3. Add the following filter:
  4. Click on Apply Changes.
Firefox Mobile can run uBlock Origin, and uses the same filter.  To install it, touch the 3 dots on the right of the address bar on the bottom,  then touch Add-Ons, and then touch the + sign beside uBlock Origin.

281 Kudos


Displaying 9 of 9 comments ( View all | Add Comment )


saffo 's profile picture

thanks for sharing this!

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Yuchun!'s profile picture

But I like cool new people :c

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The reason why I added this was because there was people making new accounts with gore profile pics and/or harassing names. This seems to have cooled down at the moment though.

by DeciSpark 🍉; ; Report

ah right right, I forgot not everyone was watching cartel videos as a kid. Understandable mod.

by Yuchun!; ; Report

the insensitivity is wild

by benny; ; Report

it isn't cool or quirky to watch irl gore 0.o
cgi/animated is ok but like....

by mla0; ; Report

I didn't call it quirky nor good, frankly I'm glad nobody else watched that. I'm just recognizing people aren't as desensitized as me. If that's insensitive or even edgy, I apologize, but I was saying it in good faith, I promise.

by Yuchun!; ; Report

ah, yes. mentioning cartel videos is good faith. :skull: I myself may not be a sensitive person, but the amount of sensitive 13 year olds on here is unimaginable. Be careful what you post. Next thing you know you might have some pro-shippers blowing up your profile because you said something they didnt like.

by benny; ; Report

THOSE FUCKERS CAN BRING IT ON, if they think they can mess with me, wait till they hear what happened to the last pedofucker who tried it.

by Yuchun!; ; Report


by mla0; ; Report


by benny; ; Report

What are yall crying about?

by Yuchun!; ; Report

i can smell you through the screen

by mla0; ; Report


THETHIRDEYE's profile picture

literally saved my sanity

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𝕽𝖔𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉.𝖊𝖞𝖊𝖇𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖟's profile picture

Thank you

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☆⋆ VAMPYY !!

☆⋆ VAMPYY !!'s profile picture

Thank you so so much for this!!! reposting in my bulletins as im commenting <3

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breakfastbongos's profile picture

thank you for making this a safer site!!

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Fag4shadow01's profile picture

Why do we need to hide it?

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new accounts with gorey pfps have been showing up for the past few days, its rlly triggering and upsetting for some ppl who are just trying to look for new ppl but find. that. instead :( until it gets properly resolved, for now this can help decrease the chances of coming across those accounts

by corvidae/jackdaw ☆; ; Report

Oohh okay!

by Fag4shadow01; ; Report


☆Lucky☆'s profile picture

boosting this

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marbles 🍉 (inactive)

marbles 🍉 (inactive)'s profile picture

this is appreciated, thank you!

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