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Category: Music

Scene vs scenecore

So I recently watched a 40 minute video on Youtube talking about scenecore from a scene kid perspective. If you are not aware of what either of these are, scene is an alternative subculture which originates from the emo subculture. It was incredibly popular in the mid 2000s to early 2010s, and rather than be mainly music based, it was mainly fashion based. However, music played a large part in the scene subculture with artists such as Millionaires being popular scene artists. Scenecore was made much later than scene and it consists of characters from japan such as Hatsune Miku and Ibuki Mioda. 

The music is incredibly different to scene music, however there are people who think they are the same. This is not the case, as scenecore music is mainly hyperpop and scene music is more crunkcore. 

This video had examples of scenecore music which revealed a lot of scenecore music featured backing tracks stolen from other songs such as PoPiPo by Hatsune Miku and Pretty rave girl by S3rl. I am curious to know if others have noticed this and have different opinions on this. If you want the link to the video comment and I will give it to you. Okay yea nah I am done XD

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MetalHeart's profile picture

People should just call scenecore something else man

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Kat_Katastophe XD

Kat_Katastophe XD's profile picture

That video sounds interesting...may I have the link?

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by Reyne; ; Report

Thank you💜💜💜

by Kat_Katastophe XD; ; Report


Melziee 's profile picture

In my opinion scene is still really music based and you can't really be a scene kid without the music but I agree with you on everything else

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