Kaguya (Naruto) vs Momoshiki (Boruto)

Yeah, I Ate the Chakra Fruit. Wanna Fight About It?

I've had this match up on my mind for a while now. This topic is very complicated, as Kaguya doesn't have any one main form. This is also true for Momoshiki.

  • I will be looking at this fight with the framework established in the Lunis meta. I have a full write-up of this meta on my blog.
  • I'll be using multiple versions of each character. There will be some guess work to close gaps, making this a more casual write up.
  • Seeing as though Momoshiki isn't stated to become any stronger as time passes, despite this being a very weird thing, I will assume Momoshiki from the legends is the same as his base self in Boruto. 
  • Base Momoshiki should be colloquially relative to Urashiki and Kinshiki. Their feats will be used very lightly, to help estimate Momoshiki's prowess.
  • This fight is in character with some flanderization. Both characters know who each other are as that is their whole backstory.


Kaguya is a simple-minded but effective fighter who is able to utilize seemingly any amount of chakra she consumes.

  • Kaguya initially has issues keeping up with human archers. Despite this, she never gets hit by an arrow. Assuming the human soldiers shown were capable of utilizing passive chakra like any other human in Naruto, they should at least be peak human. This means that their arrow shots should be at least 100-140 mph (~195 kph). This may be aim dodging or projectile outrunning.
  • Chakra Fruit Kaguya is quite literally the Ten Tails and therefore should be as fast as an untrained Ten Tails jinchuriki. I'd clock this in at Ten Tails Obito level, being competition for God of Shinobi level fighters such as Madara, Hashirama, and Peak Hiruzen.
  • Peak Kaguya should be the collective power of Madara (Ten Tails level), the Ten Tails buff (Ten Tails level), the God Tree (Ten Tails level), 3 Rinnegan (probably 5+ generic Tailed Beasts (I may do a write-up for this at a later date)), Kaguya's chakra (Ten Tails level), and a stabilization amp (possibly a multiplier? this one is unknown). This is worth at least 45 generic Tailed Beasts and Kaguya's speed should benefit as such. Being nearly five times as fast as Madara is a fair estimate.
  • As stated in Speed, Kaguya runs from standard arrows. She also avoids hand-to-hand combat from humans who should be peak human to low superhuman level. This leads me to believe that her initial durability isn't much different than a human's.
  • Chakra Fruit Kaguya seems to not have the chakra immunity that Obito possesses, despite being the origin point for truth seeking orbs. Six Path Sage Mode and any immunity that may come with it (or side by side with it) seems to originate from Hagaromo. This Kaguya should still receive a durability amp similar to her Ten Tails level amp, most likely putting her on par with Madara.
  • As stated in Speed, Peak Kaguya should see a durability benefit that comes from having 45 Tailed Beasts in your chest. This Kaguya is implied to take a full power hit from War Arc Sakura... to the head. This strike simply phases her and doesn't progress the fight in Team 7's favor. Keep in mind that a much weaker Sakura was able to create large multiton TNT explosions with her punches.
  • As stated in Durability, Initial Kaguya has issues with peak humans. Because of this, I assume her physical prowess isn't much higher than a peak human.
  • Kaguya, seemingly like all other Otsutsuki, has telekinesis at her disposal. Initial Kaguya uses this to rip apart and/or implode humans. She can also use telepathy to knock out humans. Both of these attacks work as an area of effect.
  • Chakra Fruit Kaguya is quite literally the Ten Tails and therefore should be as strong as an untrained Ten Tails jinchuriki. I'd clock this in at Ten Tails Obito level, being competition for God of Shinobi level fighters such as Madara, Hashirama, and Peak Hiruzen. She seems to drop her telekinetic powers, leading me to assume her hands are powerful enough to get the job done.
  • As stated in Speed, Peak Kaguya should be worth at least 45 generic Tailed Beasts and Kaguya's strength should benefit as such. Being nearly five times as strong as Madara is a fair estimate.
  • Kaguya has her Ash Bone Kekkai Mora, allowing her to one shot anyone that gets hit by her projectiles. This is assuming a punch up nature of the jutsu as she is never seen hitting a target that scales above her.
  • Kaguya relies on brute forcing opponents with lower stats than herself. She isn't notably wise compared to actual trained ninja. In fact, her initial attacks seem to rely on common sense rather than logical thought.
  • Kaguya has the mental fortitude to perceive 6 Path level opponents and keep up in hand to hand with opponents who are at a statistical advantage despite their training.


Momoshiki is a powerhouse with the ability to think fast in a tactical environment.

  • Base Momoshiki should roughly scale to Urashiki, who finds issue fighting Kage Gaara and Kage Chojuro. Base Momoshiki's speed should be around high Kage tier.
  • Evolved Momoshiki is vastly superior to the Boruto Kage in speed, landing strikes before they can react in any meaningful way. He is also able to get hits in and travel at speeds similar to Kage KCM Naruto, who should be well into the Ten Tails tier of speed. This Naruto should have movement speed that rivals Minato.
  • Evolved Momoshiki's combat speed is comparable to that of Kage Naruto. This is shown repeatedly as Momoshiki takes hits from KCM Naruto and appears to be helpless against a Naruto and Sasuke working in tandem.
  • As stated in Speed, Base Momoshiki should roughly scale to Urashiki, so his durability should be around high Kage tier. This falls in line with the Sasuke v Kinshiki fight as Kinshiki actively avoids a tired Sasuke's sword strikes.
  • Evolved Momoshiki is relative to Kage Naruto, taking taijutsu hits from him and dealing out a similar power. He scales fairly well above the Gaara and Chojuro combo that would have most likely damaged him before.
  • It is best to mention Momoshiki's Rinnegan here. Momoshiki is extremely proficient with his Rinnegan, allowing him to absorb spiritual/chakra attacks as fast as he can raise his arm. On top of this, he is able to pocket both jutsu and chakra that he has absorbed. To any relative fighter, Momoshiki is essentially immune to anything that isn't hand-to-hand or purely physical attacks.
  • Base Momoshiki along with 1-2 other equal Otsutsuki members are meant to rival Chakra Fruit Kaguya. This should put his power at a third to half of the Ten Tails. This would make his output similar to that of characters who are beginning to approach God of Shinobi tier. Momoshiki should be around Sanin level.
  • Evolved Momoshiki is at least twice as strong as before, with his power most likely more than doubling seeing as though evolution is a state that is highly sought after. This should put him on par with the duo/trio that threatened Chakra Fruit Kaguya, making him a viable opponent against those in the God of Shinobi tier. Evolved Momoshiki should be around Madara level.
  • Evolved Momoshiki is able to scale up, creating a parallel between him and Hashirama. This scaling up is able to swap hands with the full Susanoo KCM Avatar. This combined avatar is at least 2x Ten Tails level, putting Scaled Up Evolved Momoshiki in the 6 Paths level (~1.5x Ten Tails level). This Momoshiki should be able to take on Tenseigan Toneri and God of Shinobi such as Madara.
  • Momoshiki is tactically sound, being able to keep up in combat with both Hokage Naruto and Shadow Kage Sasuke, who are both taijutsu masters. On top of this, Momoshiki is able to perform advanced golem jutsu, a pinnacle of multielement jutsu.
  • Momoshiki has the mental fortitude to keep up with 10 Tail Beast level opponents, even when not evolved. He can also adapt massive power increases that would drive even the most formidable ninja insane.

  • Momoshiki is very similar to Kaguya in the sense that he will do what it takes to protect himself. Momoshiki takes this farther, often not caring at all about the lives he wishes to take.
  • Momoshiki is always looking to deal lethal damage, when evolution is not his main goal.

Round 1: Initial Kaguya vs Base Momoshiki

This is a matchup between Kaguya in her first few months on Earth vs base Momoshiki. This is before Kaguya eats the Chakra Fruit.

Who Wins??

This is pretty straight forward.

  • Kaguya is nowhere near Ten Tails level. She is more of a matchup for a group of humans or a low tier ninja such as a Genin.
  • Base Momoshiki is at least a decent fraction of Ten Tails level, being more of a match up for a high Kage or higher tier S Class ninja.

Situation 1: Momoshiki Wins

Momoshiki's intelligence and pure statistical overeach makes this an incompatable fight.

Final Verdict: Momoshiki Wins 10/10 Times

Momoshiki knows exactly who Kaguya is and would toy with her in the same way he toyed with the onlookers during the Boruto Chunin Exams. Kaguya doesn't have anything in her arsenal that would affect Momoshiki.

Keep in mind that this is the absolute weakest form of Kaguya. I mostly introduced this match up as a way to break the misconception that Kaguya is biologically built different. No. No, she is not.

Round 2: Chakra Fruit Kaguya vs Base Momoshiki

This is a matchup between Kaguya after adjusting to the Chakra Fruit buff vs base Momoshiki. This is before Kaguya fights her sons.

Who Wins??

This is a much more interesting fight. Both opponents have win cons.

  • Kaguya is officially Ten Tails level. She is the Ten Tails.
  • Base Momoshiki is at least a decent fraction of Ten Tails level, being more of a match up for a high Kage or higher tier S Class ninja.

Situation 1: Momoshiki Wins

This relies on Kaguya being of such low intelligence that she repeatedly makes mistakes, leading to Momoshiki's win. Momoshiki's intelligence and ability to absorb jutsu and throw them back may give him the ability to punch up.

Situation 2: Kaguya Wins

This relies on Momoshiki being at such a large statistical disadvantage that he never finds a leg up. It needs to be said that any decent strike from this Kaguya is a game ender. Momoshiki will not survive anything that Kaguya could dish out.

Final Verdict: Kaguya Wins 7/10 Times

Momoshiki is just fast enough to react to Kaguya and most likely absorbs every jutsu thrown his way. Not only this, but he is equally capable of throwing these jutsu back at Kaguya when an opportunity presents itself.

The issue here is Kaguya's stats are massive compared to Momoshiki. He will be fighting for his life whereas Kaguya will be up against a weaker mirror match or lesser taijutsu brawl at best.

Keep in mind that a 7/10 isn't far off from a draw. There are still three engagements out of ten where Momoshiki beats Chakra Fruit Kaguya.

Redmption: Evolved Momoshiki Beats Chakra Fruit Kaguya 7/10 Times

We know of Momoshiki and Kinshiki's plan to duo Kaguya into the ground, persuading me to look at a match up where Momo has been gifted Kinshiki's chakra and has evolved.

This Momoshiki is easily Ten Tails level and is able to scale up, creating a situation in which Kaguya is both out numbered and dually outmatched. He is also insanely smart compared to Kaguya and that intelligence would shine through now that he is able to go toe to toe in statistics.

Kaguya always has the chance to use her ash bones, giving her the option to punch up if she can land a hit.

Round 3: Peak Kaguya vs Evolved Momoshiki

This is a matchup between Kaguya after absorbing multi-Ten Tails level Madara and Momoshiki after absorbing Kinshiki.

Who Wins??

The tables have turned and the switch has flipped.

  • Kaguya is nearing 50 Tails level based on the version of Madara she absorbed (plus her previous power). I'm considering her to be post stabilized in this fight.
  • Momoshiki is 6 Paths / 15 Tails level at best, accounting for Scale Theory.

Situation 1: Kaguya Wins

This isn't reliant on any conditions as Kaguya shouldn't be so much as harmed by Momoshiki. Her blows should scale massively above anything that Kage Naruto and Sasuke could dish out. The question isn't would Kaguya beat Momoshiki, but if she would one shot him.

Situation 2: Momoshiki Wins

This situation is in place as a favor to the Momoshiki fans. If you believe Momoshiki is able to react to Kaguya and absorb anything she has to offer, then there is a small chance that he absorbs enough chakra or a powerful enough attack to do some serious damage to Kaguya.

Final Verdict: Kaguya Wins 10/10 Times

Evolved Momoshiki simply does not have the stats to go up against this Kaguya. He is lesser than Initial (non KCM) Six Path Naruto. KCM Six Path Naruto isn't nearly fast enough to fight Revived Kaguya, let alone Peak Kaguya.

This Momoshiki is having a hrad time percieving Kaguya as she would most definitely attempt to swing for lethal out of the gate seeing as though she is afraid of Momoshiki. He would be blitzed in the same way Kaguya blitzed Naruto and Sasuke, except she has no reason to go easy on him.

Redmption Part One: The Otsutsuki's Hype

This line up is a bit of fan service for those who find themselves with the position that the anime trio is "a greater threat than Kaguya". Rather than break this down into a detailed fight, I'll use this time to speak on the hype around the Otsusuki in Boruto.

Sasuke believes Momoshiki and Kinshiki are a threat greater than Kaguya: I'll be assuming Sasuke isn't just wrong about this, even though feats don't support his statement. Sasuke may be evaluating threat level from a deadliness framing. Kaguya wanted to get along with humans and only wanted their chakra because she was extremly paranoid. In comparison, Momoshiki and Kinshiki are more interested in slaughtering the entire planet in order to get to Naruto's chakra reserves. This makes them seem much more threatening when framed this way. Also, Sasuke only knows the duo from the legend that states they are more powerful than Kaguya.

Kaguya was afraid of the duo/trio: Kaguya's fear seems to be irrational once the Chakra Fruit is consumed. This is exagerated even more so once she absorbs Madara and still feels the need to absorb Six Paths Naruto and Sasuke.

Redmption Part Two: The Otsutsuki Trio Beats Peak Kaguya 1/10 Times

Without getting too deep into Urashiki and Kinshiki's scaling, all three trio members should be fairly relative. Urashiki seems to be above Momoshiki who seems to be above Kinshiki. All three are high S Class level. A possibly equally powerful team would be the 5 Kage War Arc squadron. 
Momo and Ura are able to absorb justsu, with Momo exceling in this. All three are also capable of using the Byakugan, giving them all sensory type. Urashiki is able to rip large amounts of chakra from people with his whip/hook. He uses this to steal most of Kage Sasuke's chakra, taking anywhere from 6-9 Tailed Beasts of chakra. It should be noted that Ura seems to avoid adding this chakra to his reserves, instead choosing to shoot the chakra out as powerful blasts. Kinshiki isn't very noteworthy but is still a relative body.

With this quick overview out of the way, it's best to talk battle strategy:

Urashiki's whip is quite fast and may be able to hit Kaguya if she is off guard. Ura will pull out anywhere from half to nearly a full Ten Tails every time he is able to do this. He would need to do this 5-8 times to actually kill Kaguya. If he can do this twice, Ura will have the chakra necessary to evolve without needing to eat his Rinnegan. This would allow him to keep both of his dual colored Rinnegan and stack the buff of the triple (maybe 5x?) set. Evolved Urashiki with both of his Rinnegan would most likely scale above Evolved Momoshiki, considering that he could use his time walking more efficiently.

Momoshiki and Kinshiki are best combining. Evolved Momoshiki is in low Six Paths, making him at least somewhat viable against a Kaguya who is off guard.

With our two evolved Otsutsuki, we open the door to a 2v1 in which the outmatched are able to reverse time to better suit their combat. This is an extremly uphill battle and relies on Urashiki landing whip strikes when he likely won't.

A backseat battle strategy:

Our evolved Momoshiki and Urashiki should be able to time travel to a period in time in which they aren't fighting Kaguya. This would allow them to load up on power. The easeiest and quickest way to do this would be to absorb Toneri and any other moonfolk and find Byakugans pure enough to obtain Tenseigan.

Evolved Tenseigan Urashiki/Momoshiki will be well into 6 Paths, making their fight with Kaguya mirroring that of KCM Six Paths Naruto and Sasuke. They will need to land enough strikes to widdle Kaguya down to pure exhaustion just to level the playing field.

This hardly increases their chance of winning. I pay my respects with a 1/10 win rate.


Momoshiki is no match for the Kaguya we see in the War Arc. It's a fun thought experiement and that's all. It honestly blows my mind that some fans have concluded that Momoshiki is vastly superior to Kaguya, but their meta is their meta and I respect it (to the best of my ability).

Now comes the part where I link this document to an unsuspecting Vs Battles enjoyer and make them read my Naruto manifesto.

4 Kudos


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