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Category: Music


rant incoming brace for impact

WHY IS BAND MERCH SO EXPENSIVE I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY AND DEFTONES EXPECTS ME TO DROP THIRTY FIVE FREEDOM EAGLE BUCKS ON A PUZZLE. A FUCKING PUZZLE!!! 3 HUNDRED FOR THE KORN X ADIDAS PURPLE TRACKSUIT WHAT THE HELL. fob & weezer prices aren't too awful but good god fall out boy needs a restock their store is absolutely barren. soad isn't that bad either, nin is honestly just as bad as koRn but their stuff looks to be better quality soo... cheVelle's prices are actually even a little bit better than weezer + they sell signed shit which is sick af so good on pete & sam. also they have an 8ball (out of stock tho :[ ) which is giving me fob show flashbacks lmao. but anyways FUCK OVERPRICED MERCH!!! I'M GOING TO REDBUBBLE AND YOU CAN'T STOP ME CHINO

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