The Lunis Meta (Naruto)

Lunis Meta

The Lunis Meta is a framework for understanding Naruto through a grounded and creative lens. It seeks to close up gaps in power cliffing and break away from the flawed meta that is current day Naruto scaling and widely accepted faulty vs battle outcomes.

The Theory Lineup

Like any framework, the Lunis Meta relies on some assumptions. Each of these theories will be explained, but not substantiated here. Visit my blog at to read each theory write up.
  • Chakra Gift Theory:  Chakra that has been gifted to a character will diminish over time and is a limited resource that can be spent.
  • Scale Theory:  Large scale summons and jutsu are generally a direct power up during a fight.
  • Nerf Theory:  The main 3 characters were nerfed in all stats to accommodate for their being unrivaled. This stems from both Chakra Gift Theory and the Sun and Moon signs being returned to Hagaromo. This doesn't apply to Sakura.
  • Lesser Otsutsuki Theory:  Ots clan members have minimal genetic benefit in terms of physical prowess and chakra.
  • Cancellation Theory:  Two characters with the same move, power-up, or ability may be pitted against one another as though they did not have that property. Any bonus/catch to other properties that are unique to them are still applied.
  • Body Steal Theory:  Characters have a base minimum power equal to the body that they have stolen or been summoned into. This doesn't account for buffs through jutsu, chakra type/amount, or DNA. This also doesn't account for mental nerfs such as speed perception or technique.
  • Shinobi Battle Mode Theory:  Chakra is used to amplify the base physical capabilities of the user in the form of an “activated combat mode”, that’s flipped like a switch.
  • Tall Tale Theory:  Filler, whether it be non-canon anime events, non-canon game events/cut scenes, game tactics and/or moves, and novels/databooks are all considered tall tales that may be true.
  • Intel Theory:  Characters are constantly moving in ways that prevents others from knowing their move set, intentions, and previous planning.
  • Punch Up Theory:  Movesets and abilities allow some characters to defeat others who they would otherwise have no chance of beating.
I may return to this blog post and add more theories. Lunis is not considered done at the moment.

Some Lunis Fueled Hot Takes

  • The War Arc Sound 4 filler fight actually happened:  All characters involved in the fight were known to be around at the time of the fight (besides the Sound 4). We know Kabuto liked what the Sound 4 had to offer as he added them to his "perfect" body. We also know that he revived Kimimaro. There's no reason to believe these fights didn't happen.
  • Kaguya was vastly more powerful in the War Arc compared to her normal previous self:  Kaguya enters Earth and is afraid of humans, who seemingly have no idea how to use chakra. She runs away when confronted by a field of human archers, suggesting she isn't even Jonin level. She only becomes powerful after eating the chakra fruit, achieving Ten Tails level. The version of Madara she takes over is around three Ten Tails worth of power. This means that her peak is her stabilized mode.
  • Hiruzen was physically stronger than base Hashirama:  Hashirama felt the need to scale up to battle the Nine Tails. Hiruzen battled Kurama without scaling up.
  • Jiraiya could have beat Pain:  Pain has every reason not to leak Intel about his Rinnegan and fights accordingly. This also applies to Jiraiya, only choosing to use Sage Mode because it seemed like a necessity given how little intel he had gathered. With full intel on Nagato, Jiraiya could have defeated Pain by skipping the fight and destroying the tower that Nagato was hiding in. This could have been done mid-Pain fight, seeing as though Jiraiya outpaced each Path of Pain while running away.
  • Edo Tensei isn't always a nerf:  Edo characters only see a nerf when revived into a body that is weaker than their original. Plenty of so-so ninja got stronger by being revived. Orochimaru even makes a point to say that the body he was revived into was plenty powerful.
  • Momoshiki isn't 6 Paths level:  Momoshiki is an obvious parallel to Hashirama, using golems to try and defeat an armored Nine Tails. Every statement made about his power is vague and isn't telling of any true power level. In fact, he appears to be more of a match up to lone Hokage Naruto, who is no longer at his peak. There is no reason to believe Naruto is Six Paths level considering he lost both Hagaromo's chakra and the Sun Seal, slotting him in at 10 Tails level at best without scaling up. Momoshiki isn't special for being an Otsutsuki and is only stated as being a potential equal to chakra fruit Kaguya with the help of other Otsutsuki members.

2 Kudos


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