David Rice (Jumper) vs Edward Cullen (Twilight)

A Vs Battle Between the Edgy Romantics

This vs battle scenario stems from both my want to get into verses battles and my want to power scale Twilight. I originally got this verses matchup idea while watching Jumper. I noticed the effects and feats weren't too far off from what I witnessed in Twilight.

  • David should scale to Griffin by the end of Jumper, given that they seem to be relative. I'll be using both character's feats for David.
  • Edward should scale to/past any other Vampire (minus specialty power feats) given that he is able to fight on par and compete above the Volturi Guards by the end of the series.
  • I won't be using any particular meta besides a casual understanding of feats. By this, I mean that I won't get too crazy with math and science. I'll also be keeping in mind that these movies aren't meant to be viewed through a critical lens during fight sequences. They're fun action romances.
  • This fight is in character with some flanderization. Neither character know anything about one another, but are in a situation where they are squaring up.

David Rice

David is a quick thinker in battle and uses jumping (teleportation) as a way to blink around the battlefield. He is easily able to jump heavy objects, allowing him to fight with hardly any limits.

  • Griffin is able to stack jumps, keeping the previous jump's momentum while adding more. Each basic jump has the force required to break glass, crack drywall, and collapse tile flooring. Evaluating this force as body weight, I assume the basic jump force is equal to that of a human's tackle. Each jump would be 5-10 mph (~12 kph) with this assumption. This number could be higher, but I'm reluctant to gas up this single feat.
  • It should be said that jumping is instantaneous traversal, making movement speed infinitely quick. Griffin is able to use this to dodge launched projectiles and combat strikes. Not to mention that the projectiles mentioned move fast and powerful enough to knock full size adults into the air and contain enough energy to provide a shock similar to an HVDC (more about this in Durability). 
  • It is important to note that in a one on one, David lands multiple punches on Griffin. This means his combat speed should be at least relative to the Paladin Shock Prod launchers. Although not a great example, potato canons can fire at nearly three times the speed of sound. A futuristic launcher capable of immense electric energy should put a simple potato canon to shame. Following this little line of logic, I generally place David's combat speed and perception at 1-2x sound, with a potential ceiling near 3-4x sound.
  • Our two main characters can physically compete with Roland, who is capable of aim-dodging the flip of a truck. This may put them in a range between peak human and low superhuman movement speeds in base.
  • Jumpers die from a single cutting stab wound to the stomach from Roland, an exceptionally strong Paladin. Roland should be low superhuman in physical prowess, meaning that Jumper durability in terms of body toughness isn't much different than a normal human's.
  • The two main characters are able to tank voltage from HVDC transmitters without so much as losing consciousness or control of their bodies. HVDC transmitters output about 500 kV or over 500,000 Volts. 50 Volts is dangerous to a normal human. Heat and/or electrical resistance for David is off the charts.
  • Both Griffin and David can take punches from Roland, who, as stated previously, is low superhuman. His punches should be similar to (and possibly scale above) a peak human. Using Mike Tyson as reference, this is 1,600 joules, or well over 1,000 pounds of force. Not only this, but if you believe these two are competing against Roland in physical prowess, it is safe to say that they are dishing out and taking these massive punches while fighting one another.
  • It is implied that falling from terminal velocity would kill David. He is forced to teleport to safety while falling from a skyscraper.
  • David gets hit by a multiton truck being jumped by Griffin. This should deal any impact damage from a truck moving at normal speeds plus the momentum gained from being jumped and falling from the air.
  • As stated in Speed, Jumpers can stack momentum from jumps to deal higher amounts of damage. This is directly shown to be wall level as a stacked jump punch puts Roland through a sandstone wall.
  • As stated in Durability, Jumpers should be peak human level or higher. With Mike Tyson as our peak human reference, these two should dish out 1,600 joules of force while striking. This is backed up by the way Griffin man handles fodder Paladins.
  • Jumps in and of themselves can pull/push with the power from their force. David is able to jump the weight of a one-bedroom apartment, including the brick exterior. Not only does this move the said weight, but rips the material from the building. I'd estimate this to be around small building level. David should be able to weaponize this massive amount of force by using the jump technique that resembles a telekinetic blast.
  • Obviously, jumping can also BFR opponents, putting them in deadly or tricky situations and most importantly taking them out of the fight.
  • David has the forethought to avoid getting caught by the FBI and special units, who are aware of his power for years. This situation is reminiscent of Light Yagami. Although probably not at the same level, I'd still clock David's Intelligence at low superhuman level.
  • David has the mental fortitude and time perception required to perform taxing combat maneuvers while plummeting to his would-be death. David should have nerves of steel.
  • David isn't very tactical, using very basic combat to get the job done.
  • David puts himself in a protector role, putting loved one's health over his own. He isn't afraid to put his life on the line.
  • David has a bit of a temper, getting into fights if he witnesses a moral transgression or is directly threatened with violence.
  • David isn't much of a murderer. He often jumps his enemies to nonlethal but extremely inconvenient places.

Edward Cullen

Edward isn't one to fight all that often, but has shown himself to be quite formidable in physical prowess.

A Bit of Scaling
  • Twilight consists of multiple parts, each one upping the power level required to compete with the bad guys. This is important to keep in mind as Edward keeps up with the power cliffing and stays relevant in each part.
  • The Cullen family starts at seemingly the basic power level of normal vampires. They should all be low superhuman.
  • In New Moon, the Volturi Goons easily outclass Edward, able to blitz him and crack his ice-like flesh with a single strike. The Cullens are no match for any of the Volturi.
  • By Eclipse, Edward is able to take on multiple newborns, each said to be much more powerful than a basic vampire. The Cullen family is able to shatter the ice-like vampire flesh with single punches. They can also run/move just as quickly as newborns. The Volturi are still implied to be much greater threats than the newborns. If newborns are at least 2x vampire level, the Volturi should be at least 4x vampire level.
  • By Breaking Dawn, the Cullen family is directly relative to the Volturi's Guards and outclass them.
  • The Volturi have basic Members, Guards, and Leaders. Guards seem to be much more powerful than the basic members. Leaders may or may not be more powerful than Guards, with Aro (the main leader) seemingly much more powerful than the Guards.
  • Edward is able to sprint at speeds on par with werewolves. These wolves should be as fast, if not faster, than regular wolves. This puts them at least the 40 mph mark at the beginning of the series. These initial speeds are no match for stronger vampires, though. The wolves power cliff past the vampires, being able to outpace them against the Volturi. Given my 4x estimate in the previous chapter, Breaking Dawn Edward should be at least 160 mph.
  • Edward is shown in Twilight being able to intercept a van from across a small parking lot. He does this without Belle realizing he traversed at all. Edward is easily over 50 feet away and makes it to Belle in less than a second with time to spare. This solidifies a 40+ mph speed in Twilight.
  • Edward is shown taking slams from the Volturi goons in New Moon, cracking thick marble flooring upon hitting the ground. Strikes like these leave him heavily phased and cracking in the flesh. He would later go on to become relative to vampires, who deal stronger strikes with their heavy punches which are no match for the Volturi punches that Edward would go on to tank without any cracking.
  • Like any other vampire, Edward takes lethal from a high effort neck break from a relative vampire. This relative rule may be a bit of bias though as neck breaking only seems to get easier as time goes on. That being said, Edward tanks a neck break attempt from Aro, a Volturi powerful enough to take on both Peak Edward and Newborn Belle. So although I generally believe that vampires don't become substantially more durable with training, Edward is a clear outlier.
  • Twilight Edward is capable of long arming a sliding van, stopping it fairly easily. Assuming the van was going 20 mph (speeding in terms of parking lot etiquet), weighed 2 tons, and was stopped within a foot, this feat should clock in at 524.527 kN or about 525,000 joules. If Edward would need to at least quadruple his strength to keep up with the Volturi, he should be well over a million joules by Breaking Dawn. This low ball is nearly half a pound of TNT. Accounting for the van being stopped easily and Edwards ability to scale above Volturi Guards, it is safe to add two 2x multipliers to his final power, equating to 4 pounds of TNT.
  • BD Edward is able to no diff punch a multiton boulder that comes down on him while trying to jump out of a chasm. This seems to fall in line with the previous statement above.
  • Edward has the wisdom that comes with over 100 years of life and multiple degrees under his belt. This should put him at high human level.
  • Edward isn't super tactically minded until Breaking Dawn where he is formidable in basic combat.
  • Edward has the time perception and mental fortitude to partake in top speed movement and block strikes that should scale above his movement speed.
  • Edward has the unique ability to read minds at a distance. I can't speak as to how accurate or in-depth this abiliity is, but he should at least know the jist as to what people are thinking when actively using his power.
  • Edward is prepared to kill anyone that threatens him or a loved one.
  • Considering we only ever see Edward in equal or outplayed matchups, Edward only ever appears to have deadly intent.
  • Edward is known to egg characters on, being aggressive in situations where fights could be avoided.

Who Wins??

This is a tough one to answer. Edward is easily the more physically impressive one, but is still at the mercy of David's jumping.

  • Edward would assume David is a vampire. David's ability and stats are just enough to place him in the basic vampire range. All Edward knows is vampires and would definitely treat David as one. This opens up the door to head snapping, adding a powerful maneuver to Edward's arsenal.
  • David wouldn't know what Edward is. Edward is vastly more powerful from a statistical standpoint. Edward also isn't able to teleport and doesn't rely on electronic weapons, stamping out any thought that he is a Jumper or Paladin.
  • Edward isn't too fast for David. Unless Edward can somehow muster up multisound level combat speeds, I don't see him being fast enough to blitz David and his jumping evasion.
  • David can't punch out Edward. David is wall level at best in striking power. A jump blast with small building level strength should outperform Edward's multipound TNT punches, leading me to believe that Edward would meet his maker if David broke character long enough to swing for lethal.
  • Edward will rip David apart. David is phased by punches that range from peak human to low super human level. Not only does Edward strike much harder than this, but he is often times ripping off limbs as a from of maiming.
  • Edward is a better fighter. Although too slow to stop David from teleporting, Edward is genuinely better at hand to hand and would outperform David if David wasn't focused on evasion via jumping.

Situation 1: Edward Wins

This relies on David not relying on teleportation. Edward's strength catches David offguard and his head rolls off his shoulders because of it.

This could happen if Edward reads David's mind and figures that David is a vampire come to hurt him.

Situation 2: David Wins

This relies on Edward not reading David's mind or David being on high alert once the fight starts. David sends Edward to the Shadow Realm aka the Grand Canyon, where Edward won't be able to hurt David.

This could happen if the two start their scuffle with consentual combat. Pushes turn to strikes and David is quick to using jumping to his advantage. You may also argue that David could percieve a superhuman-speed strike and react with jumping.

Final Verdict: Edward Wins 6/10 Times

Edward would know David is superhuman before the fight starts and act accordingly. Although not fast enough, Edward would most likely swing first and David would most likely approach the situation like he does in the bar fight, allowing his opponent to get in a punch or two before using his BFR ability. The issue is, letting Edward get a punch in would be a deadly mistake.
It should also be mentioned that David can't hit for lethal. I still count BFRs as wins, but a non lethal BFR feels much less like a win than a good ol' TNT blast to the forehead.

Some may read all of this and disagree, holding the argument that Edward could never strike David. And this may be true. David is insanely quick to the draw by the end of the movie. Events like the truck hitting David despite being most likely less than 100 mph lead me to believe that David isn't immune to being caught off guard. Taking hits from Roland also bring this point home. The truth is, Roland stands no chance against Edward stat-wise and despite this, Roland got some hits in on David.

Keep in mind that a 6/10 is as close to a draw as I can get while still giving one of these two characters a victory. There are still four engagements out of ten where David beats Edward, persuading me to save my money by not betting on either of them.

Redmption: David Beats Twilight Edward 10/10 Times

Given that I'm only counting Jumper David, we open the door for a matchup between David and Edward with only a single movie from each to prove their ability. In this case, Edward is most likely at the same level as David in terms of physical prowess. The issue here is that David tanks harder hits than he can dish out.
If David's durability is well over the bracket of power that he exists in, Edward may have no way to rip limbs from David, resulting in a total mismatch.
David has much more room to interact with Edward and would ultimately send Edward to Antartica, a dessert, or a bank vault before taking any substantial damage.

In order to win at all, Edward would need to assume David isn't a vampire, decide to bite him in order to beat him, and actually land a bite attack. All of these actions seem highly unlikely on their own and as a group they are essentially impossible.

2 Kudos


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