Hello. This is a little info about me.
I go by Z. I don't like my real name or face online. I am minor. My birthday is November 25th. I am 5 foot ;-; I enjoy playing Roblox and Minecraft. I enjoy making new friends but I have a hard time talking to people so its really hard. I struggle with spelling so please don't mind any mistakes. I also like to draw but I'm not the best. Right now I'm really into The Group Chat. They are youtubers.
I think that's it.
Byeeee- Z >3<
Displaying 2 of 2 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Arik Ozotf
Got realllly surprised because I know someone irl who goes by Z. Not a minor, though.
Z!?!?!!?!? DRAGON BALL!?!!?