"Renewal" - A Potential Podcast... The Timeline Part One


Early 2030s

Russo-Ukraine war expands through Europe and sides are taken. China sides with Russia, as do some Middle Eastern countries. Germany first to join Ukraine’s side, so on

Mid-to-late 2030s

Russia threatens to turn nuclear, does not go through with it. War continues

Life as usual with looming threat of WWIII to occur, good majority of world pop claim it already is


Ukraine, Germany, Baltic States invade Russia in retaliation to ongoing war, they form the Ukraine-Germany-Baltic Union (2044); USA has not joined (fully) but it is clear it is on Ukraine’s side. Gain partial land on far west Russia borders. Russia pushes them back. Lots of back and forth during the ‘40s.

Early 2050s

All major, if not all, glaciers melt. Global Warming/Climate Change brings global temperature up 1 degree C. Much warmer winters in southern areas, worsened winter storms and weather in northern areas. Scientists confirm temperature is irreversible and not much can be done. Droughts->forest fires begin to be more common, sea levels rise by 10 feet and some coastal cities face major damage. Natural disasters/weather storms worsen


War continues similar to the 2040s. Russia threatens nuclear again, Ukraine threatens it back. More countries join forces on respective sides. WWIII confirmed by the UN. Countries begin to withdraw from the UN, despite lots of citizen protests.

Protests globally worsen conditions for citizens, some turning to riots, worse than the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020.

Late 2050s

Temporary stalemate made, peace attempts begin. Protests calm in support of the peace attempts (2057)

Attempted assassination of current USA president by Russia; war returns, USA finally enters WWIII. (2058)

With the USA entering the war, protests across the nation grow exponentially, alongside human rights protests etc. Minor civil war across USA happens, dies away quick (2059-2061)


Russia and the USA both threaten nuclear power. Belarus joins new Ally Powers (started with Ukraine-Germany-Baltic Union). USA joins soon after, as does much of Europe (2062-2065)

Russia-China Union gets joined by several Middle Eastern countries. North Korea soon joins as well. (2061-2065)

World population reaches 10 billion and grows exponentially from there, the world gets declared as overpopulated, despite many deaths during WWIII.

Resources begin to be depleted. Global weather/natural disasters worsen due to higher global climate, more deaths despite growing population

Coastal cities begin declining further as oceans slowly rise higher.

Polar bears declared extinct (2068)


WWIII comes to a halt. The Russian president dies and civilians take control of the government (2072) and ends war on their part. China attempts an attack against Russia and fails. Civil unrest in China worsen and the Chinese leader is assassinated (2073). North Korea removes all support and shuts borders again. Middle Eastern countries on Russia-China allyship recede support, civil unrest in those countries err on small wars between them

Peace discussions begin (2073) and a new UN created, United International Alliance (UIA).

Civil unease across the globe sits, like a wave of anxiety waiting to boil over. 2070s remain relatively calm as population continues to increase and the world begins to rebuild

Man touches down on Mars after NASA halts development of such due to the war (2076)


Resources begin to deplete heavily. 3rd world countries suffer the most and, for a time, the population dies drastically.

New global virus spread (2084) and more die, but with newer technologies it doesn’t last long. Vaccine created (2086) and the panic dies out. Population begins to increase again (never goes back below 10 billion)

Very noticeable terrestrial glacial melt is finally noticed (2083). Rivers flood heavily in winters, just to nearly dry out in some parts in the summers. 

Massive winter storm hits North America (2085). As spring hits (2086), many riverside and lake towns/cities flood. This back and forth of ice and storm, and then massive floods becomes common after this

Seaboard towns begin to recede/disappear (i.e. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA) (2088)


Natural disasters begin to worsen by this point; more destructive hurricanes/tornados, earthquakes causing tsunamis and destroying even more coastal cities, and, similarly, cities/towns on major tectonic lines are destroyed by major earthquakes

Rising temps begin to have the opposite effect as the decade before, causing major droughts and drying up smaller rivers and streams

Despite the damage, technological advances reach self-driving vehicles and transport; vaccines are found for even the worst of illnesses/diseases

Colonies (for the rich) begin on Mars (2095)

Small asteroid destroys some communication satellites (2097), destroying communication with the Mars colonies. Asteroid breaks up in the atmosphere and Earth is safe from it.

Russia launches bomb strikes on China, killing thousands, and declares war, separating from the UIA. Major UIA countries (USA, UK, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Nordic Countries, etc) declare war against Russia. WWIV (“The Great War”/”Mother’s War”/”War to End All Wars”) begins (2099)

~ ~ ~ End of 21st Century ~ ~ ~


Population reaches 11 billion people (2101)

Majority of Florida and other Gulf of Mexico areas engulfed by water as well as other major coastal areas across the globe (2105)

WWIV declared as an international emergency as increasing tensions surface globally (2105)

World temps hit 3° celsius (2106), droughts become too common, some “3rd world” countries begin to struggle severely and population drops back to 10.5 billion from 2106 - 2115

Giant boost in technological advances (2104), both to aid in the war globally and to aid in citizens’ lives (glass bars as phones/tablets/etc, holographic computers/tvs/etc, semi-self-driving vehicles become normal, stronger & smarter AIs, so on and so forth)

Household bomb shelters and fallout shelters globally in all major cities begin construction (2101, construction in all major cities globally finish by 2120)

WWIV Sides-

Russia: North Korea, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Argentina, Uruguay, Saudi Arabia

UIA: USA, UK, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Belarus, Baltic Countries, Nordic Countries, Mexico, Cuba, France, Austria, Hungary, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, China

Neutral/No Interference (as of 2105): Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Major African Countries, Mongolia, Australia, Major South American Countries, Canada, Major South Pacific/Asian Countries, New Zealand, India, Greenland, Iceland


Population returns to 11 billion (2116)

Japan, South Korea, India, Mongolia join UIA against Russ. Allies (2113)

Yemen, Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Paraguay join Russ. Allies against UIA (2114)

Chile, Brazil join UIA against Russ. Allies (2115)

Russia bombs Belarus, thousands perish (2115)

War reaches global levels, on both hemispheres (2116)

Massive underwater earthquake causes enormous tsunami, wipes out southern portion of Japan, South Korea, and Philippines, thousands die (2118)

By 2119, sea levels have risen by 25 meters; terrestrial land in Antarctica begins to appear and in desperate attempts to escape war, the Neutral Global Assistance Community claims the land, creating a small refuge for those seeking to stay as far from WWIV as possible.


Russia threatens nuclear war. The USA retaliates and threatens that if Russia goes nuclear, they will, too. Nuclear plan discussions begin on both sides (2120-2123)
UIA countries declare state of emergencies globally, instruct all citizens to get to the fallout bunkers/shelters. Russ. Allies, upon hearing, do the same (2123-2124). Not all citizens make it underground and hope for the best.

Nuclear warheads worldwide launch by 2125. There are, as far as those underground know, no above-ground survivors.

(Timeline of “Old World” is, essentially, ended. No further recording of the “Old World” exists)

Author's note: wrote this back in November 2022 so the beginning details aren't 100% accurate, but this is fiction after all lol. Part two to come!

3 Kudos


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