Just something I wrote lolol


Anatomy disgusts me to the point of my existence being wrapped around several ideas of undying beauty that are not attainable from my perspective. Every thought is associated with the twisted notions of current beauty and unpleasantness. Arms and legs are winding up to be no more than prizes to show to other people, to gain sympathy or respect that really just is hatred and envy derived from a new notion called insecurity. 

With every word spoken our values derive themselves from what they once and turn into unknown weapons stabbing at the minds of people yet to be corrupted by what some would call the standard.

I feel uncanny or much rather mortified by the thoughts of what a simple pair of flesh and bones should be and what should they look like according to some myths made up by hatred envy and disgust. I do not believe in such standards yet they affect me in ways that only man-made thoughts can, lurking around in my subconscious mind waiting to get me in my darkest hours in the dead of night. 

(ps: i’m not depressed i swear🫶)

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