We are currently a separated oneness and I'm frustrated by the limits of our physicality.

I think the universe, outside of our and all other physical realms, is in a state of superposition. It's everything and nothing all at once. And as we know, we are the universe, just different parts of it, physicalized. 

In this current physical state of being, things can't be in a state of superposition (or rather it's highly, highly, highly unlikely for things to remain in a state of superposition) so it has to collapse and make a choice, one or the other.

We, being fragmented parts of the universe, came from that state of superposition. Outside this physical life, we are everything and nothing at the same time, meaning we could have manifested into anything: a frog, a blade of grass, a single celled organism... But, probability-wise, we ended up being human. But that doesn't mean I am just a human. I am still everything, just a sliver of it, observing and experiencing itself in a narrow perspective.

We all are. We are slivers of the same thing, just different parts of it. We may seem so different on the surface, but deep down we are incredibly similar. And collectively, we are incredibly similar to animals... Which are collectively similar to trees, and rocks, and wind, and rain, and so one and so forth.

All of that context is to say...

I feel like I have a strong intuition; a strong connection to my spirituality. Thusly, when I meet someone I like, for example my friends, new and old, I have this strong urge to emotionally connect. But am I weird in feeling like I want to become that person? I want our souls to combine and experience love, happiness, sadness, anger, everything, and become bigger than our individual units.

I liken the feeling to lust, but it's not sexual, it's pure universal love. Sex would not scratch that itch. The feeling runs deeper than the physical.

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The Atlanta Monsters

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You know, I'm unsure if I still feel it in that way, but there've been times. Like there were a good few years where I really wanted to operate from within another person, and there were times I really wanted to just look into someone's eyes and travel down the optic nerve like a staircase moving deep through another person's vision, senses, emotions, thoughts, etc. I don't think I ever quite got to do it, perhaps, though maybe I was closer than I'd appreciated. Today I'm not sure if I really crave such an experience, but I think if I craved any particular interpersonal experience it would probably be that one, though I don't know if I would allow myself to engage in it or not.

Going back to some of the stuff you wrote about the spiritual component more broadly, yes. It's very interesting, and I use some admittedly maybe-a-little-crude old religious conventions to express some of my views about it. The illusory separation from the unity of the being seems to me to really be the great deception, a force of evil or delusion. The only (temporary) escape is death, but even that only lasts insofar as the individual dies; but the individual was, itself, essentially an illusion, a trap in which the power of the being was temporarily contained. Life emerges constantly, and with it so too does consciousness, and so the very first flies who are born from the flesh of the deceased are introduced right back into whatever hell the individual left behind, likely no more aware that they were ever free from it. For a person who conceives of this fact, devotion to the illusion must likely be seen as a kind of existential heresy, though communicating it this way might be a bit silly. The evil this often causes seems undeniable.

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After reflecting on this older piece, I think I would amend it to say that I feel as though my love is so strong and big that physicality restrains me and there's no possible way to connect with a person in the way I want being in this realm because of how separate our souls are forced to be. Like you said, contained in a vessel. Instead of becoming the person, I simply want to experience them in a way that's impossible in this physical world.

And to address your comment, are you suggesting that we are in a constant cycle of reincarnation? And if you are, do you only believe there is the physical? I like to think you have a buffer period before coming back to life. A place you can just relax lol, depending on if you did your duty here on Earth. At least that's what I hope.

And that's an interesting notion - consciousness emerges. I always assumed consciousness always existed. It can't be created nor destroyed. We are simply parts of the same consciousness. Unless I'm misunderstanding. Do you think consciousness can be destroyed and created?

by Ian; ; Report