The Percy Jackson movies

I’m going to be honest I hate them with a burning passion. These movies are nowhere near what the books were like are they both missed out on important details to Percy’s story. I’m mainly talking about the first book, the first movie didn’t even mention that Ares took the helm of darkness or that Percy got cursed by Ares, and that wasn’t even mentioned. There’s so many things that the movie over looked and that just makes me mad. I’m the book Chiron didn’t know that Percy was a son of Poseidon until he was claimed, they were having a hard time figuring it out, whereas in the movie he just knew. And Percy was 12 and that movie didn’t make it look like any of them were children. The fighting scenes were trash and no one can tell me otherwise. The second movie completely ignores the fact that there was a new camp director and both the movies ignore the fact that Clarisse was hated by and bullied by her cabin mates and not supposed to be that pretty but oh well you win some you loose some. The movies sometimes had scenes from the books in completely different order than what they actually were which also made me mad. Also, the Medusas lair scene played out horribly and was once again nothing like the book. Now I know that moves aren’t always like the book but both these movies felt like personal insults to the fandom, but then again you may not agree with this at all so it may be just me. These movies could’ve been better.

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