Love Languages & Rabbit Holes...(A mindf#%$k)

I was having a conversation with a random stranger last night while waiting on my food from Red Lobster...and we randomly segued our conversation to the topic of The 5 Love which they said: “Whatever your main love language is, we all do the OPPOSITE to ourselves as a self-destructive behavior”

Taken back by this profound statement, I proceeded to ask for them to elaborate, in which they further replied...

“For example”
  • 🗣Words of Affirmation- negative internal dialogue 
  • 👨‍🔧Acts of Service - Messy home, undone chores
  • 🎁Receive gifts - Not feeling worthy of treating yourself to new things
  • Quality time - Isolation 
  • 🤝Physical Touch - Avoiding human interaction 
Mouth wide, and eyes order number was called, and I left, food in-hand, and with my mind falling down a rabbit hole of no return. Being that I’ve had the opportunity to ponder on this all night, I’m now asking all of you——WERE THEY BEING TOO LOUD or NAH? 🥴

What is your souls love language???

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