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"Renewal" - a potential podcast idea

So. Hiya. This account is going to be a sole archive for, pretty much, everything about my potential fiction podcast I've been working on for about a year now. Just gonna try and explain in short detail what it is. If you want to follow my main acct, here: MpathicOracle's Profile | SpaceHey

Genre: Scifi; Nuclear War -> Geological/Ecological Post-Apocalypse

Time period: Roughly 2600s, approximately 477 years after a global nuclear war broke out and Mother Nature reclaimed what was left of the planet

Podcast info: Would follow the MC (would be voiced by me), known simply as Vagabond, as they travel across what used to be North America, meeting various different people and seeing many different things along the way. Majority of episodes would be Vagabond reading from their journal, in which they keep almost daily entries of everything they've seen, cataloguing the sights and experiences in "real time".

Plot (simplified): Vagabond leaves their home town in search for the "truth" on what happened to the planet, after discovering when they were younger that the tale they were told isn't the only "truth". They're given this "Old World" device by their village elder, in the hopes that maybe they'll find what it's for somewhere in their nomadic journey. First season they get to roughly Central Missouri in one year, after starting from Upstate NY. Many...many shenanigans along the way. Season two details t.b.d. lol. 

I'll post the general timeline up to when Vagabond's story takes place as well (starting from 2030 to late 26th century). I still have their entire journey to plot out (gods bless google earth and google maps lmfao), I'm about halfway honestly. At least for the first season fdjgjkd. The project has been sorta off and on for a while now, different interests grabbing my attention every now and then. I still need to figure out how to make a, like, intro music or whatever, where to do the podcast, how to do the podcast. I'd need other voice actors, at least for the first three eps, and then every now and then for random characters Vagabond meets along the way.... maybe misc. nature sounds I can (legally) import for the audios, so on and so forth. 

I'll also post rough character designs and information for Vagabond in a separate post as well (gods bless picrew lmfao, I'll be sure to credit the creators). 

This account will generally just be a sort of archive for all the information, for now. Maybe if the podcast eventually kicks off the ground, this will be the central page for it. Who knows. Certainly not me lmfao.

5 Kudos


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