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Category: Music

My Sassy Scene CD (b4 6arleyhuman made it)

a few months ago (when sassy scene first relased) i thought it would b a great idea 2 make a CD

also its a bit broken in the front so dont mind it XD

front (the broken side)

 the back

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xxFallen_Sorrowxx's profile picture

if ur interested in making ur own CD here r the steps I took to make mine XP

What you need:

-blank disc I saw on Amazon (the verbatim 10 pack)
-a computer w a built in cd player or external cd drive

How to Burn a CD

step 1: download all the songs u need/want
(step 1.5: I recommend putting all the songs in a folder :3)
step 2: put the cd in the cd player/cd drive
step 3: open windows media player legacy (if ur on mac u can download it)
step 4: on media player legacy tap on the BURN tab and drag the songs on there
step 5: when ur done click download and wait for the songs to be BURNT on the disc
step 6: when it says complete on every song, test it by clicking the PLAY tab and letting ur CD play the music XD

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what you need:
-images of the album cover (preferablly of both back and front)
-glue/tape and scissors

step 1: go on word and choose images of the back and front cover and size them how you think it would fit in the CD
step 2: print them out!
step 3: use scissors to cut out the access paper and use glue/tape to stick it on the front
step 4: for the back you have to take out the thing that you can put the CD in and stick the back of the album 2 it

congrats! now u have a cool ass cd to show off :)

by xxFallen_Sorrowxx; ; Report