I made some dialogue by Daffodil (who is now she/her and they/them and is from spiritfarer who is a male in the game)! Here is a list:
Saying goodbye to Gwen:
Daffodil: “She’s a Gwen, alright. Just a cynical, introverted Gwen.”
Meeting Alice for the first time:
Daffodil: “Is she prickly, or is she prickly?”
Stella: “DAFFODIL!”
Daffodil: “What? She’s not a hedgehog if she isn’t prickly, right?”
After your first interaction with Elena:
Daffodil: “I don’t normally hate dogs, but if I see that long weiner ever again…Boy, I will SCRATCH her.”
Stella: “Can’t believe I have to agree with you on that one. Sadly, she has to stay for a while until it’s her time to go.”
When Astrid tells you to not forget her when you take her to the Everdoor:
Daffodil: “Hey, who do we look to you, Alice?”
Stella: “HEY!”
Daffodil: “Settle down, Eugene.”
After saying goodbye to Beverly:
Daffodil: “It’s like Alice all over again.”
Stella: “Can you stop, Daffodil!?”
Daffodil: “What’s wrong with saying ‘Alice’?”
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