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Escaping the FOMO Trap: Navigating Media Overwhelm

 - FOMO 

/ˈfoʊ.moʊ/ abbreviation for "fear of missing out": a worried feeling that you may miss exciting events that other people are going to, especially caused by things you see on social media: Don't get FOMO.

It often seems like everyone around me is into such a wide array of shows, movies, games, and comics, constantly exploring a diverse spectrum of entertainment. 

Everyone except me.

In this past month I've found myself regularly drawn to a select handful of shows or movies instead of a wide selection of them. I'm not hyperfixated on anything at the moment, only really interested in American Dragon Jake Long, Ashita no Nadja and capybaras this month alone. ( <-- fave animal EVA. I'm pretty sure they're my special interest I just cannot shut up about em) I'm pretty excited for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem (I am SO excited I'm probably gonna watch it with my friend next week or so >7<) and yk what I wouldn't be so surprised if I end up hyperfixating on it I've been hyped for it for it for months now and- anyway, it doesn't matter because I want to talk about this reoccurring feeling I've been dealing with ... the fear of missing out. 

In a time where social media is on the rise, where the landscape of interests and 'aesthetics' are quick to evolve into microtrends in rapid, fleeting waves, it can be both exhilarating and overwhelming to navigate the currents of popular culture. Much like fast fashion, the same mass-production ideology has been applied to the overconsumption of media.

Now this may just be me but I've always felt as if I need to immerse myself into as much media as possible. I'm always asking for movie\cartoon\anime\tv show recommendations, obsessed with 'collecting' as many as possible. But as of late it's become harder and harder to keep up with new shows and completing my never-ending watchlist. I probably have a bajillion movies on there. I just feel this immense amount of pressure to complete my watchlist as more and more films are added to it. The feeling worsens when I'm already not consistently up 2 date on latest pop culture news.

For neurodivergent folk like I, the FOMO trap becomes especially complex. 

As someone navigating the intersection between autism and ADHD, the contrast between adhering to routines while combating the allure of impulsivity and restlessness presents an especially challenging problem. Being autistic, I've come to rely on the solace of a structured routine. I often stick to the same few shows to create a sense of familiarity and safety. These few 'comfort' shows provide an escape from the overwhelmingness of reality and act as a safe space for so many on and even off the spectrum. ADHD on the other hand isn't so good with routine .. directly combating with my autism (Autism vs ADHD jkjk) This clash of conditions interferes with the delicate balance between comfort and exploration, routine and spontaneity. 

I try my best to watch shows that my friends recommend but its so difficult. The temptation to start a new show is often irresistible. I impulsively start new shows but am so quick to drop it when it bores me in the slightest. My attention span is as short as an ipad kid. 

I always find myself saying "I'll watch it later" "I'll do it after I get some study done" but the time never comes. Not only do I struggle because of disabilities but my current situation makes it challenging to fit any leisure time in too. I don't really have any extra curriculars, just after school math tutoring, but I've been struggling with school it's taken up a whole lot of my time. Anyway school's a whole other can of worms I am not opening. I'm just so busy I can barely find any time to watch a show or movie - yet I can find time to scroll on instagram for hours upon hours just to distract myself?? It  so easy to find yourself fallen down the rabbit hole of short easy-to-consume-meaningless tiktoks/reels - which is again another can of worms I'm not focusing on at the moment.

Even when I watch shows I've put off for so long I feel this overwhelming sense of dread. I feel so ashamed. and for what !!? Like I've been meaning to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender but whenever I do I break down crying due to the feeling of missing out. Like even though I'm watching it now it doesn't matter cuz I should've earlier :/ 

The more I write about how I feel the more it sounds like such a trivial thing to be upset about but I can't help feeling so hurt by it. It's such a lonely feeling seeing friends interests splayed out in seemingly endless amounts, yet I'm here with only a few. I'm primarily focusing on ASD and ADHD here but my anxiety heightens the fomo to an even greater extent. I often find myself drawing paralells between myself and others, envious of my peers at times too. 

While fighting my fomo I've gradually come to an important realization: I do not need to feel compelled to exhaustively consume every show that graces the screen. Additionally that shouldn't also discourage me from leaving my comfort zone to broaden my horizons. While it may be challenging, recognising the potential for growth and enrichment that lies in embracing this dynamic tension between routine and exploration has been exhilarating. Sometimes I won't even have enough time to watch the stuff I do wanna watch cuz of my busy schedule, but that's perfectly okay. All this silly self-imposed pressure has hindered me from even enjoying film in the first place! The pursuit of entertainment is supposed to be a source of joy and enrichment, not a source of anxiety. 

In a world defined by rapid trends and ever-changing cultural currents, this new perspective has been so refreshing. Furthermore allowing me to shed the weight of unnecessary expectations.  Rather than succumbing to the pressure of entertainment overconsumption I have embraced the value in pacing by my own personal rhythm.

Overcoming the fear of missing out.

- No critique on this post plz. I'm just writing this as practice I will most likely rewrite it later on. Anyways I hope this blog somehow finds someone who feels the same or similar way, you aren't alone. :-) 

Notes 2 self:

I need to focus on creating a strong, clear and simple thesis next time. Organise arguments into clear cohesive points first.


♡ Cambridge Dictionary. (2023). FOMO | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary. Dictionary.cambridge.org. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/fomo

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