Good omens

So could this technically be considered spoils? prob but oh well js don't read if you haven't finished 2x6 of GO

so the whole season was just full of him lying so he had to of been lying, he had all the markers of telling that he was lying. We never see the chat he has with Megatron and it had to of been kind of bad referring back to the part where Megatron says "Gove me coffee or give me death, does anyone ask for death?" it could be referring to the talk he had with Aziraphale meaning that it could've been more serious than we saw, he could've threatened aziraphale to go with him or he would do something to either Crowley or himself and Aziraphale didn't want anything to happen to Crowley so he lied about Crowley being able to become an angel again because he knew that was something Crowley would NEVER say yes to. Crowley doesn't know this and just thinks that after they have been through he still trusts heaven with his whole heart. If you pay close attention Aziraphale before saying "I forgive you" says "I L-" and cuts himself off because he does love Crowley he just doesn't want his fallen angel to get hurt

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