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Category: Life

Journal Entry #61: 08/08/23 - Writhing from the Pain of a Cut Umbilical Cord


I moved in yesterday and my room looks stunning! Or, at least as stunning as a college dorm room can look...

I would show pictures but since I've given away what university I'm at, I don't want to give away my specific location. I'm just so glad that my side of the room has some pizazz. There's ample room decor, and my desk is chock full of stuff. Thankfully there are plenty of drawers and things to store everything in. Also, I have a corner room, meaning I have two windows instead of one! There's so much natural light in here.

Yesterday, it felt like I was the only one moving in. Obviously, I wasn't, but it didn't seem like anyone else in my dorm moved in yesterday. Maybe that will change today. Also, yesterday was a lot. The car ride there was cramped with all my stuff, so my family was uncomfortable. All the stuff for my room crowded the dorm initially, and it took about two hours to move things into the dorm and then set it all up. Oh, and one other thing: it feels like everyone else in my dorm room is rushing! Ugh, there's gotta be some non-rushing freshman girls in here somewhere!

Today, I do have a couple of things to do, but I'm trying to fill my day (which might be the wrong thing to do). I need to wash my dishes from breakfast, I want to go to the library, and go to this event in the evening. This morning has felt quite romantic and new since I made breakfast myself (kinda). I had a bowl of yogurt, a glass of OJ and a granola bar. It's so nice to eat in your room and have cold/hot food in it. 

The main problem I have right now is that I don't have much to do. It's nice to walk around generally untethered, but there aren't many places to socialize. Now, it hasn't been a full day yet, but it is so easy to get discouraged. There's plenty of time! For now, it looks like I'll be meandering through bookshelves...

One last thing: Murder Drones episode 6 drops next Friday! I'm super excited, hopefully classes don't get in the way.


AstraGenesis  ┈━═


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